====== Abar Piliang ====== {{:screenshot_20230517_102342_drive.jpg?direct&200|}} Abar Piliang is a court mage to [[king_cormach|King Cormach]]. Abar Piliang is a member of the [[order_magika_mage_college|Order Magika]]. Mage(Explorer) L10 NG Human [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QJ4ZwpeJ7JBDX-ta6545lclr1P121osO/view?usp=sharing|Abar's character sheet]] ===== Unique Spells by Abar Piliang ===== == Abar Piliang's Major Feast == //AKA: Cheffield's Major Feast// (Alteration) * Level: 2 * Range: 30 yards * Components: V, S * Duration: Permanent * Casting Time: 5 rounds * Area of Effect: Four people fed per level * Saving Throw: None When this spell is cast into a large pot or onto an appropriate number of plates it brings into being enough food to feed four per level of the wizard for one meal. The food is nourishing and filling, the drink is cool and refreshing. The food may not taste the best in the world but it certainly fills the cracks. It also makes, when chilled and rewarmed, exceptional leftovers. This spell requires a handful of rice which is cooked over a low boil while the wizard mutters "cooks in just 5 minutes". The spell was created by a wizard whose abilities as a chef far surpassed those of his spell casting. He is known far and wide as a chef of great skill. (From Great Net Spellbook V6, Author: Paul D. Walker) == Abar Piliang's Improved Magic Missile == //AKA: Improved Magic Missile (L2)// (Evocation) * Level: 2 * Range: 60 yards + 10 yards per level * Components: V, S * Duration: Instantaneous * Casting Time: 2 * Area of Effect: One or more creatures in a 10-foot cube * Saving Throw: None This spell is similar to the 1st-level magic missile spell, except as noted above and for the fact that each missile inflicts 1d6+1 points of damage. (Source: GNSBv6, Author: Kenneth C. Jenks) == Abar Piliang's Skeletal Scribe == //AKA: Skeletal Scribe// (Enchantment, Necromancy) * Level: 2 * Range: 0 * Components: V, S, M * Duration: 1 day per level * Casting Time: 4 * Area of Effect: Skeleton touched * Saving Throw: None This spell creates an undead scribe for the wizard. It is not permanent, but is much safer to use for reading new tomes and writing down words of great power. It is able to take dissertation as well. The material components of this spell are a skeleton, a hawk feather, and a red robe. The skeleton is only consumed at the end of the duration. (Source: GNSBv6, Author: The Warlord of Heaven) == Abar Piliang's Field of Infeasability == //AKA: Darklight's Field of Infeasibility// (Enchantment, Illusion) * Level: 3 * Range: 0 * Components: V, S * Duration: 2 turns per level * Casting Time: 3 * Area of Effect: Special * Saving Throw: None This spell was created by Darklight when he was captain of a spelljamming vessel crewed by a mix of plasmoids, lizardmen, xixchil, and hurwaeti. It was designed in an attempt to keep local populations from being thrown into chaos at every landing. The spell creates a subtle field of illusion and enchantment around 2 HD of creatures per caster level, which lasts for two turns per caster level. This field clings to each being touched, whether they remain in a group or not, and radiates an insidious message to all who encounter or view the affected beings. This message reassures onlookers that there is nothing out of the ordinary about these beings. Thus, the most bizarre of beings may enter crowded groundling cities and not be subject to undue attention or attack. A side effect of this is that all reaction modifiers are nullified, negating Charisma and related bonuses. When an observer is questioned later about a being under the field's protection, they will remember the event precisely, and may become puzzled retroactively at their lack of reaction beforehand. The magic of the field tends to prevent this realization from becoming traumatic, however. Certain very powerful or extraplanar beings may not be affected by this spell: especially dragons, demons, devils, daemons, etc. generally will not sustain such a subtle camouflage, as their natural aura negates the feeble cloaking of this spell. (Source:GNSB, Author: Keith Taylor) == Abar Piliang's Shadow Light == //AKA: Shadow Light// (Invocation/Evocation) * Level: 4 * Range: 10 feet per level * Components: V, S, M * Duration: 1 turn per level * Casting Time: 4 * Area of Effect: 60-foot radius sphere * Saving Throw: Negates This spell causes a sphere of shadowy light to spring up. Within this sphere any normal light or sound source is dimmed so they do not cause light nor shadow nor sound to vanish completely but to be dimmed. Within the sphere there reigns a completely shadowy light not unlike the one on the plane of shadow. In this sphere a thief can use his ability to "hide in shadows", "move silently", and the "disguise" proficiency at a bonus of 20% (or a +4 bonus). Any other sneaky abilities also gain the 20% or +4 bonus, as decided by the DM. Within this sphere it is possible to enter the plane of shadow with a teleport without error, or for shades it is possible to use their plane shift ability. This spell can be dispelled by a dispel magic (or a more powerful similar spell) or a continual light which is cast for the explicit reason to cancel this spell. If it is cast just to light up the sphere normally, the shadow light remains and the continual light is cancelled. Note: a light is not enough to cancel this spell, even if cast with the explicit reason to dispel the shadow light. If this spell is cast on somebody unwilling, that creature gets a saving throw versus spell. If it succeeds, shadow light takes effect 5 feet behind the creature. Otherwise the creature carries the spell with it (but is not otherwise affected by it unless it is susceptible to shadowy light). The material component is a black silk veil which is laced with ten black pearls worth no less than 50 gp each. (Source: GNSB, Author: Kai Rottenbacher) == Abar Piliang's Animate Skeletal Warrior == //AKA: Animate Skeletal Warrior// (Necromancy) * Level: 5 * Range: 10 yards * Components: V, S, M * Duration: 1d4 rounds + 1 round per level * Casting Time: 5 * Area of Effect: Special * Saving Throw: None This spell animates one or more skeletons to serve the wizard as powerful warriors. A wizard can animate one skeleton warrior per five levels of experience (round all fractions down). These skeletons have the following statistics: MV 12, AC 3, 8 HD, THAC0 13, Number of Attacks 2/1, Damage per attack 1d8 + chill (-1 to-hit, to damage and to saving throws for 1d4 turns, no saving throw, multiple hits are cumulative), they have a magic resistance of 10%, they receive only half damage from slashing or piercing weapons, holy water inflicts 3d4 damage on them, they are immune to sleep, charm, fear, hold, and paralysis; they receive only half damage from cold and fire; they regenerate 1 hit point per round (even if "killed": only fire and acid damage is permanent), their gaze causes paralysis (saving throw to avoid; duration 2d4 rounds; this ability can be used every three rounds, starting on the third round of combat). The material components of this spell are human (only) skeletons that are reasonably intact and a drop of blood from the wizard. When the spell's duration ends, the skeletons crumble into dust. Only evil wizards use this spell frequently; others may suffer alignment changes. Abar tries hard not to use it at all. (Source:GNSB, Author: Peter Gourlay)