====== Alexander Paurgiliath ====== {{:img_0600.jpeg?direct&400|}} Natural son of [[eltan|Thalion Paurgiliath Arch Duke of Eltán]] Founding member of the [[gatekeepers_of_the_benevolent_grotto|Gatekeepers of the Benevolent Grotto]] [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/184BpI3qIqVJ8wC0WtJ6oQW3Tp4NbgVU_/view?usp=drivesdk|Alexander Paurgiliath's Character Sheet]] Battleguard(Demon Hunter) L7 CG Half Elf - Church of Tempus ===== Battleguard of Tempus ===== * Battleguard *         Berserker rage - Battleguards can incite a berserker rage in themselves and others. The rage lasts for 10 rounds. During this time, the recipients have a +2 bonus to attack, damage, and all saving throws. A battleguard may use this ability once a day and can affect one person per each of his or her experience levels, but must affect himself or herself first. The berserker rage lasts a full 10 rounds. If recipients run out of enemies to fight, they must either attack the closest living target in the area (even a friend) or suffer 5 points of damage for each of the remaining rounds. This is a conscious choice of the berserk character. *         Chosen weapon - At initiation, battleguards each choose particular weapons as their chosen weapons. This weapon is one specific weapon, not a weapon type. This chosen weapon may be of any type. A battleguard is then able to fight with that weapon type normally, but when using that particular weapon, she or 1) e gains a + 1 bonus to hit and damage in addition to any other benefits in effect. Should the chosen weapon be lost or destroyed, the battleguard must reconsecrate a new weapon at a recognized temple of Tempus in a ceremony of meditation and fasting which takes a tenday. If a two-handed weapon is taken as the chosen weapon, no shield may ever be used by the battleguard. * (Note: No missile weapon can be taken by a battleguard as a chosen weapon unless it can also be used as a melee weapon, such as a spear.) * *         Weapon knowledge - Battleguards can determine the workmanship, potential magical ability, and actual magical pluses (though not any other special or magical abilities) of any weapons that they are proficient with, including their weapons    of choice, by handling the weapons. *         Followers - Allows followers after building a stronghold and becoming name level. *         Turn undead - Allows the cleric to turn undead. *         Weapon allowance - Allowed one bladed weapon. *         Minor Spheres of Magic - All, Guardian, Summoning, Sun, Wards *         Major Spheres of Magic - Animal, Chaos, Combat, Divination, Elemental, All, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Tempus, War, Weather *         Free Spell - At level 3, Battleguards are able to cast Create Food & Water once a day *         Free Spell - At level 5, Battleguards are able to cast Prayer once a day *         Free Spell - At level 7, Battleguards are able to cast Break Camp or Create Campsite once a day *         Free Spell - At level 10, Battleguards are able to cast Heroes' Feast 1 per every three days {{:screenshot_20250105_154634_samsung_notes.jpg?direct&100|}} //From Faiths and Avatars// **__Temple Spells:__** ** Holy Flail ** * (Alteration, Invocation) * Sphere: Combat, Creation * Level: 3 * Range: Touch * Components: V, S, M * Casting Time: 6 * Duration: 1 rd./level * Area of Effect: 1 nonhladed weapon or the caster’s * holy symbol * Saving Throw: None * This spell allows the caster to transform his or her holy symbol 01 any nonbladed weapon wielded by another being that the priest touches into a magical holy flail. * The holy symbol or transformed weapon becomes a snakelike, flexible field of force attached to a rigid handhold. * This invisible, crackling spectral flail has a +2 attack bonus when wielded in battle and is considered a magical weapon for attack purposes. * The spell also conveys proficiency in its use upon the wielder if this does not violate class restrictions. * The holyflail is considered a fmtman’s flail for general purposes. * A strike from a holyflail inflicts ld6+1 points of damage. * If a holyflail is wielded by a priest of the same religion as the caster, a hit inflicts an additional 1 point of damage per experience level of the caster to all undead creatures. * If the wielding caster is good or evil, a hit inflicts an additional 1 point of damage per experience level on a creature of opposite morality (that is, good vs. evil-lawful vs. chaotic does not matter). * If the caster is neutral the alignment-oriented damage does not apply. * A holy flail created from a holy symbol can be wielded only by a priest of the same deity as the symbol, or the flail vanishes. If holy fluil is cast upon a weapon held by a creature of opposite moral stance to the casting priest (see above), the flail does not form. A holy flail vanishes if it is transferred from one wielder to another unless the recipient is the caster or another priest of the same deity. * A holyflail does not require concentration to maintain and can he dropped to enable spellcasting or thrown as a weapon without vanishing. * The spell requires the caster's holy symbol or a nonbladed weapon (which is not consumed by the spell) and a pinch of powdered gemstone. * Notes: Granted by Tempus, war god of the * FORGOTTEN REALMS setting. ===== Character History ===== Natural son of Thalion Paurgiliath. Alexander was never the brightest boy, though he had surprisingly deep currents.    Huge and hulking, he was always exceedingly poilite, but slightly random and often clueless.    He loves his family very much, and they help him figure things out, and do the hard things like washing his face.    He carries extra hankerchiefs now. His mother was a barbarian lady in the Dale Lands of Realmspace.    She and her people were slain, passing through a demon haunted wood, but Alexander, at the age of ten, laid his hands on a demon banishing relic of Tempus, god of war, and was invested with power.    (See Kusurigama of Demon Abatement below.)    He sent the demons back to the abyss, and buried his people.    He had no idea how to get to anywhere much, but he was noticed as missing by the home legion geneology surveyor, and various search and rescue missions were undertaken. When a family expidition finally found him two years later, he had adopted a local pack of giant wolf-dogs, he was covered in horrible disfiguring purple scars, he had become an untaught Battleguard of Tempus wielding a frightening black chain, and he was very very dirty. Aaron Paurgiliath, who led the rescue mission, is a holy strategist of the Red Knight, who is a lieutenant of Tempus.    Between Aaron and the two churches, he was partially recivilized, frighteningly trained, excellently equipped, and well loved.    He maintains a particular hatred of demons, and has pursued this interest in his own ways, with support from church and family.    He is the best thug available to the Grotto founders, and loves all of his brothers very much. He is excited to meet his brother the Emperor, and to see his father.    He hopes his Warrior(Tempus) is the same as(an aspect of)    his Dad's Warrior(Tulkas), then he could help guard the Emperor too sometimes! ===== Magic Items ===== **Kusuri-Gama of Demon Abatement** Forged by an holy artificer of Tempus who had been tricked into the Abyss.    He was ordered to make a weapon for a war between armies of demons, but used his own creativity to make something they hated so much that it was thrown out of the Abyss.    On the Prime Material it is only +3, but it returns to a full +5 in the Abyss. Unfortunately, while he was ejected along from the Abyss along with his horrible nasty chain, he was killed by the demons evicting him.    His chain was abandoned along with his body, and the demons set up terrorizing a small wood in the Dale Lands of Toril in Realmspace.    It is a 12' chain, with a Kama on each end, seperatable in the middle of the chain on a command word.    Made of a mysterious black metal with threads of -holy- silver running through, it is visibly the work of a master smith.    Both ends may be attacked with at up to 6' range, or 1 at the reach of a handheld kama, and one at 12'.    Like all Gusari, it grants the wielder +4 on strength checks resulting from trip or grapple attacks It does D6 +3 damage vs Sm/M or    D4+3 vs Large, but does 2D6 +3    or 2D4+3 vs Extra-planar, evil, or undead targets.    Evil creatures trying to hold it take d4 holy electrical damage each round. Three times per day it can cause an entangled extra-planar creature to save vs death magic or be banished to their home plane.    In the Abyss this power is 'of slaying' vs natives, rather than banishment, killing outright those who fail their save. Once per day, if wielded by a good aligned monk, priest, or paladin, it can be wreathed in holy lightning, lasting 1 turn/wielder level, doing an extra d4 electricity damage on each impact and each round of continued grappling, and causing d2 rounds of stun to any grappled target which fails a constitution check.    The constitution check is at -1 if grappled, and -3 if both ends are in simultaneous contact, forming a current loop. The electricity does not harm the wielder. **Girdle of Fire Giant Strength** This belt looks similar to ordinary belts, but it is imbued with very powerful magic. When worn it increases the physical prowess of its wearer, giving him the Strength of a giant. (It doesn't cause the wearer to grow to giant size, however!) To determine how strong the wearer becomes and the bonuses he gets, roll percentile dice and consult the table below.         The Strength gained is not cumulative with normal or magical Strength bonuses except in combination with gauntlets of ogre power and magical warhammers. * D100          Giant        Strength        Bonuses        * Roll        Equivalent        Rating        To Hit        Damage        Open Doors* * 71-85              Fire              22              +4        +10        18(14) * The number in parentheses is the number of chances out of 20 for the character to be able to force open a locked, barred, magically held, or wizard locked door. Only one attempt can be made per door; if it fails, no further attempts can be made.         The wearer of the girdle is able to hurl rocks and bend bars as if he had imbibed a potion of giant strength. These abilities are: *      Rock Hurling Type  Rock Weight.*      Base Range      Damage           Weight Allowance   Bend Bars/Lift Gates * Fire          785        12 yds.              1-8           170                  80%        * Approximate average missile weight. Copyright 1999 TSR, Inc. **Full Armor, Leather, Spiked +5** A variation of studded leather that is sometimes seen among barbarians of northern climes (and, oddly, among some hill giant clans) is spiked leather. Much as it sounds, spiked leather armor is studded leather armor in which the rivets have been augmented by sharp spikes. (Most intelligent beings would be worried about mounting spikes into their armor, just in case they should trip and fall, not to mention the problems packing or storing the armor). Overbearing and grappling while wearing such armor inflicts additional damage based on the wearer's size. A small creature inflicts 1-2 points of piercing damage, a man-sized creature inflicts 1-3 points, and a large creature inflicts 1-4 points. These values are considered for each individual attack, not for every round that a creature is grappled. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc. **Boots of Displacement** //As Cloak of Displacement:// This item appears to be a normal cloak, but when it is worn by a character its magical properties distort and warp light waves. This displacement of light wave causes the wearer to appear to be 1 foot to 2 feet from his actual position. Any missile or melee attack aimed at the wearer automatically misses the first time. This can apply to first attacks from multiple opponents only if the second and successive attackers were unable to observe the initial displacement miss. After the first attack, the cloak affords a +2 bonus to protection (i.e., two classes better on Armor Class), as well as a +2 bonus to saving throws versus attacks directed at the wearer (such as spells, gaze weapon attacks, spitting and breath attacks, etc., which are aimed at the wearer of the cloak of displacement). ===== Special Attacks ===== Grappling Str. checks are at +4 with kusari. **Lock 1: Choke Hold** The martial artist must make a successful grapple maneuver and hold it until the end of the next round. During that time, he can make no other attack and take no other action. The opponent can attempt to escape by making a successful attack roll with a -2 penalty, once per attack he normally has until the end of the next round. The opponent cannot cry out for help or cast spells with verbal components. If the hold is successful, the victim is knoced unconscious for 1d3 rounds. The martial artist can use any weapon that can be used to choke with to perform this maneuver. **Lock 2: Locking Attack** The martial artist can use this maneuver instead of a normal attack. It allows him to grab an arm, leg, weapon, etc. in an arm-lock, and that element cannot be used to make attacks until freed (with a successful attack roll). This attack does no damage. If failed, there are no ill effects if the opponent is unarmed. If trying to grab a weapon, however, the martial artist will suffer normal damage. Any kind of weapon is allowed to make this maneuver, but martial artists using sai or jitte get a +2 to hit with this maneuver. **Lock 3: Incapacitator** The martial artist can use this maneuver to grab and twist an opponent's joints, rendering one finger, arm or leg useless for the next 24 hours and doing an extra 1d4 damage. If the martial artist's attack roll is successful, the opponent is not paralyzed but still suffers the extra damage. Application of a Cure Wounds or Remove Paralysis will instantly restore use of the limb to the victim. Any kind of blunt weapon is allowed to make this maneuver. **Lock 4: Immobilizing Lock** The martial artist can use this maneuver to grip and hold an opponent in such a way that the opponent cannot take any action. A successful attack roll must be made to initiate this maneuver, but the attack does no damage. Vicitms can attempt to break out of this maneuver with a successful attack roll, but that roll is made at a -6 penalty. If the attack roll fails, the martial artist suffers a -4 to hit on his next attack. This maneuver can be performed with lash, chain, and rope weapons.