====== Andriero Paurgiliath ====== {{:0.jpg?direct&200|}} Andriero is [[eltan|Thalion Paurgiliath Arch Duke of Eltán]]'s half brother, and Heir Apparent to the Duchy Eltán. His mother was a dark elf. He is engaged in recruiting for the [[spellcaster_initiative|Spellcaster Recruitment and Training Initiative]], the [[rathkeeps_corps|Rathkeeps Corps]], the [[field_engineering_corps|Field Engineering Corps]], and [[eltan|Eltán]]'s other projects, and generally celebrating life. Andriero is a Paladin of [[church_of_eru|Eru Ilúvatar]], and has nominal rank in the [[harnic_elves_civ|Harnic High Elven]] units commanded by Duchy Eltán. Paladin L7 NG Mixed Elf [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/13dHZ3IbWH2WUmXhRDVMOTaUyf5y-P0gP/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Andriero's character sheet]]