====== Black Númenóreans ====== The high men of Númenór who were bent to the worship of Sauron. [[ar_pharazon|Ar Pharazon]] is prophesied to return with the [[numenorean_fleet|Númenórean Fleet]] that invaded Valinor. The [[mouth_of_sauron|Mouth of Sauron]] is [[sauron|Sauron]]'s Lieutenant. [[uwimana_ancalimon|Uwimana Ancalimon]] is the Queen Marshall of the Black Númenóreans. [[pthoraesictisia_adunauriel|Pthoraesictisia Adunauriel]] is a tremendously powerful Priestess of [[sauron|Sauron]]. [[lord_anor_mordwind|Lord Anor Mordwind]] is a Black Númenórean who may still linger on [[arda:start|Arda]]. [[king_avor_the_black|King Avor the Black]] is a Black Númenórean king, thought to be the best in ten generations. [[grand_admiral_rubanza_akil|Grand Admiral Rubanza Akil]] is a Black Númenórean Admiral, one of the greatest strategists their culture produced. [[lalanina_phzur|Lalanina Phzur]] is a Black Númenórean savage priest. [[akinyemi_nguni_the_barbarian|Akinyemi Nguni the Barbarian]] is a Black Númenórean. [[nabila_adunaphel_the_quiet|Nabila Adûnaphel the Quiet]] is a Black Númenórean. [[godlumthakathi_githinji|Godlumthakathi Githinji]] is a Black Númenórean. [[candy_goldenwood|Candy Goldenwood]] is a Black Númenórean. [[mrgot_adlr|M'rgot Adl'r]] is a Black Númenórean priestess of [[melkor_morgoth|Melkor / Morgoth]]. [[daur_phazan_landosalan|Daur-Phazan Landosalan]] is a Black Númenórean priestess of [[melkor_morgoth|Melkor / Morgoth]]. [[jaha|Jaha]] is a Black Númenórean. [[aoul_vaak|Aoul Vaak]] is a Black Númenórean Ranger. [[general_mohamid_amin_manawi_the_prophet|General Mohamid Amin Manawi 'The Prophet']] is a Black Númenórean Priest. [[machui_nabila|Machui Nabila]] - Ranger(Amazon) L12 NE Black Númenórean - is a Black Númenórean Ranger. [[tarajika_abif|Tarajika Abif]] - Runic Knight(Inquisitor) L14 LN 1/2 Black Númenórean [[zalika|Zalika]] - F(Amazon) L15 NE Black Númenórean [[daktari|Daktari]] is a Black Númenórean scholar, translating documents into Adunaic for his queen.