====== Black Rock ====== {{:screenshot_20230814_113745_firefox.jpg?direct&400|}} The capital of [[prince_brendian_erendyl|Prince Brendian Erendyl]] on Arda, and nominal capital of [[odins_folk|Odin's Folk]], Black Rock is one of the two great cities of [[westmark|Westmark]]. A fortress city on the North Shore of [[westlake|Westlake]], an improved lake at the head of the OrrĂ³duinĂ«, or [[east_river|East River]], a navigable river that goes North then bends back far to the East. It is primarily a settlement of Norse worshiping Elves from Alfheim under [[prince_brendian_erendyl|Prince Brendian Erendyl]], originally of Mystara, and Norse Worshiping Rohirrim from [[vestrhelm|Vestrhelm]] who moved to the area. * SpellJammer and Wet Navy port - minimal repair facilities * Significant Fortification * Hall of [[church_of_odin|Odin]] * Barracks * Armory * Smithing Complex * Warehousing [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]