====== Barony Munchausen Outpost BM#1 ====== {{:screenshot_20221125-144034_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} __Map: O26__ A strong fort bridging the hills between the southern edge of [[grand_monaco_bay|Grand Monaco Bay]] and the headwater of the Northern fork of the [[lochas_drus_river|Lōchas Drūs River]] that serves the Eastern flank of the [[tri_king_mountains|Tri-King range]]. Considerable trade with the dwarves passes through this fort, particularly tequila, brandy, and wrought iron from the hill dwarves that have settled in [[dk3|DK#3]], Brōd, and Wōl, in exchange for alpaca fiber and fabric from [[bm2|Barony Munchausen Outpost BM#2]], and black pearls from the bay. Some of [[baron_munchausen|Baron Munchausen]]'s folk dwell further to the South, mingling with the Northern range of the Hill Dwarves. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]