====== Church of Bast ====== {{:bast.jpeg?direct&200 |}} [[rarmeowferitari_priestess_of_bast|Rarmeowferitari, Priestess of Bast]] - C L7 CG Human - from Nithia was told by her goddess to travel with the strangers of [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]] and set up a temple in a distant land. She was told that her goddess wished to join in a great fight against the greatest of bitch reptiles. [[jaquaria|Jaquaria, priestess of Bast]] - Cleric L7 CG Human - came with her. [[vianca|Vianca]] - Mage(Witch) L12 CE Human - is an evil witch who is a Bast worshipper, but she does not seem to be Egyptian. There is now a Temple of Bast in [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]]