====== Church of Mishakal ====== {{:mishakal.jpg?400|}} Mishikal is a NG Krynnic Goddess of healing and light. Credited with restoring knowledge of the true Gods to Krynn, she has a temple in New Solamnia, built by [[lord_gunthar_uth_wistan|Lord Gunthar uth Wistan]]. ==== OTHER NAMES ==== * Bearer of Light * The Blue Lady (Balifor/ Hylo) * Empress (Mithas) * Healer in the Home (Kharolis/ Tarsis) * Healing Hand * Ildamar the Earthspirit (Armach) * Ka-Mel-Sha * Ke-en (Sea Elves) * Lady of Tears (Falthana) * Lightbringer (Solamnia) * Magea (Irda) * Mesalax (Thorbardin) * Meshal (Icewall) * Mishas (Ergoth) * Mislaxa (Taladas) * Mixactli (Nordmaar) * Quen Illumini (Qualinesti) * Quenesti Pah (Silvanesti) * Skymistress (Goodlund) * White Lady (Bündesphar) ==== SYMBOL ==== Blue infinity symbol ==== CELESTIAL SYMBOL ==== Infinity symbol constellation ==== PORTFOLIO ==== Healing, the home, compassion, knowledge, fertility, life, beauty, blessing, love, childbirth ==== COMMON ASPECTS ==== A beautiful woman in excellent health and physical condition in sky blue robes A matronly or grandmotherly woman in a faded blue smock A blue eyed child with silver-blonde hair A female knight or warrior in gleaming silver-blue plate mail Her presence deepens natural blues around her ==== COLORS ==== Sky blue