====== Commonwealth of Triagral ====== [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1grZjGhqdeZIvayqOyuB7-nF0VzpZwvCJ/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Governance of Triagral]] A group of districts of [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]], ruled over by [[rod_halfking|Rod Halfking]] through Imperial Alloidal Tenure. Primarily populated by gnomes, halflings, pixies, and other folk from the [[triagral_island|Island of Triagral]] on [[locations#planet_of_mystara|Mystara]], it has accumulated more folk of diminutive stature from other spheres as they immigrate to Arda. The [[skybax_triagral_marines|Skybax]], or Triagral Marines, use wingsuit packs, powered by potions, for boarding actions. Projects are underway to crosstrain the [[free_imperia_navy|Imperial Marines ]] and [[duchy_eltan|Duchy Eltán]]'s [[field_engineering_corps|Air Operations]] group, as well as cooperative development of other boarding technology and personal transport. It's burroughs include: ===== Whoville ===== * Ruled by [[baron_von_who|Baron Von Who]] in nominal vassalage to [[rod_halfking|Rod Halfking]] * Copper Keep * Copper Mine * Smelter * Copper Smithy ===== Farmington ===== * Granary * Furniture making community ===== Brewerton ===== * Brewery * Gnome Forest Ale * Old Bear Stout * Recreational Hotel * Gnome & Halfling Brothel ===== Airship City ===== * Castle * Airship Yards * Primary production of Airships on Arda * Including ship's boats and tenders for the Spelljammer fleets of * [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] * [[watc|West Arda Trading Company]] * Order Magika tower * Shipwright School * Temple of the Church of Reorx ===== The Maze Forest ===== Guarded by Rodents of Unusual Size, the Maze Forest, made primarily from Arda's first [[skywood|Skywood]] groves, quickly disorients any outsiders who try to get through the enchanted mountain pass to or from the hidden meadow that has become the: ===== District of Fairyland ===== [[district_of_fairyland|District of Fairyland]] [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]