====== Dagor Dagorath ====== The final battle at the end of the end times in [[arda:start|Arda]] as prophesied by Mandos, to be followed by [[church_of_eru|Eru]]'s second greater music. We are expecting Ar Pharazon and the [[numenorean_fleet|Númenórean Fleet]] (possibly Spell Jammers or Ghost Ships), the return of Sauron (possibly through the [[cult_of_sauron|Cult of Sauron]] obtaining the [[crucible_and_avatar_of_sauron|Crucible and Avatar of Sauron]] and using the Crucible to put [[sauron|Sauron]] into the Avatar), the return of [[melkor_morgoth|Morgoth]], the return of [[ungoliant_lolth|Ungoliant / Lolth]], and a sprinkling of significant evils that followed us here from other spheres.