====== Dargonesti Sound ====== {{:20221123_192317.jpg?direct&400|}} Encircled by major port cities of the [[start|Free Imperia]], the Dargonesti Sound is the penultimate exit of OrrĂ³duinĂ« the [[east_river|East River]] and the [[jojojopo_river|Jojojopo River]] (through [[east_harbor|East Harbor]], on the Northwestern corner) and the [[stronghold_river|Stronghold River]], into the [[southern_ocean|Southern Ocean]]. [[stronghold_river|Stronghold River]] enters the Sound through [[king_cormach|King Cormach]]'s city of [[harnia|Harnia]], built around [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] fort [[in22|IN#22]]. [[gilthanas|King Gilthanas]]' city [[krynn|Krynn]] is built on and off the Northern shore, including most of the Dargonesti population in neighborhoods below the water. [[middle_town|Middle Town]], a Hill Dwarven city founded by the [[three_kings_of_the_dwarves|Three Kings of the Dwarves]], is a prosperous port and silver mine on the Western shore in the foothills of the [[jojojopo_peninsula|Jojojopo Peninsula]]. The [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] built the [[channel_forts|Channel Forts]] across the islands that screen the Dargonesti Narrows at the mouth of the Sound. In addition, there are fortified lighthouses at [[in17|IN#17]] and [[in20|IN#20]] on the points outside the Dargonesti Narrows, and [[in18|IN#18]] is a major harbor and ship yard in the mouth of the Sound. Another lighthouse, [[in16|IN#16]], marks the furthest of the rocky islands extending from the point of the [[jojojopo_peninsula|Jojojopo Peninsula]] that screen the Southern approach to the mouth of the Sound. [[in3|IN#3]] and [[in4|IN#4]] are Naval fortifications protecting the mouth of [[east_harbor|East Harbor]]. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]