====== Duchy Stronghold ====== {{:screenshot_20221128-011201_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} Ruled by [[duke_rocha|Duke Rocha]] in vassalage to [[king_cormach|King Cormach]], Duchy Stronghold is part of the [[free_kingdom_of_harnia|Free Kingdom of Harnia]]. It includes his [[south_valley|South Valley]] suburb capital [[rochia|Rochia]], as well as his Eastern fortress cities: * [[safehelm|Safehelm]], between [[lake_safehelm|Lake Safehelm]] and [[great_stronghold_lake|Great Stronghold Lake]] * [[castille|Castille]], in the [[mist-rib_lakes|Mist-Rib Lakes]] * [[semboch|Semboch]], on the [[great_silvanesti_bay|Great Silvanesti Bay]] He has built two strongly fortified outposts to help hold down the Lake Country. * [[dr1|DR#1]] holds the Western neck of the isthmus between [[lake_safehelm|Lake Safehelm]] and [[great_stronghold_lake|Great Stronghold Lake]] * [[dr2|DR#2]] castellates the high stubby promontory on the West bank of Second Rib in the [[mist-rib_lakes|Mist-Rib Lakes]] [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]