====== Duke Rocha ====== F(Cav) L14 LG Human {{:dukerocha.jpg?direct&400|}} [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gGCmt4H-qPdJF_0tqxnap74KJBhrkq0A/view?usp=drivesdk|Duke Rocha's character sheet]] [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RjJskDyjJmtQ3ucx-49yxCvXOnOzhQg3/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Duke Rocha's Army list]] A human Duke of the [[free_kingdom_of_harnia|Free Kingdom of Harnia]], ruler of [[duchy_stronghold|Duchy Stronghold]], in vassalage to [[king_cormach|King Cormach]]. Head of one of the Great Houses of [[start|the Free Imperia]]. ===== Cities and Outposts ===== Founder of [[rochia|Rochia]], his [[south_valley|South Valley]] suburb capital. Founder of the city of [[safehelm|Safehelm]] on a fortified isthmus between the [[great_stronghold_lake|Great Stronghold Lake]] and [[lake_safehelm|Lake Safehelm]]. Founder of the city of [[castille|Castille]] in the [[mist-rib_lakes|Mist-Rib Lakes]]. Founder of [[semboch|Semboch]] on the [[great_silvanesti_bay|Great Sylvanesti Bay]]. Founder of [[dr1|DR#1]], fortifications holding the Western neck of Safehelm Isthmus between [[lake_safehelm|Lake Safehelm]] and [[great_stronghold_lake|Great Stronghold Lake]]. Founder of [[dr2|DR#2]] a strongly castellated promontory on Second Rib in the [[mist-rib_lakes|Mist-Rib Lakes]]. ===== Court and Followers ===== Some of Duke Rocha's primary followers include: * [[bishop_datlat|Bishop Datlat]] - C(Scholar Priest) L18 LG Human - High Prelate of [[church_of_eru|Eru Ilùvatar]] * [[reverend_harold|Reverend Harold]] - Cleric L6 CG Human - Cleric of [[church_of_eru|Eru Ilùvatar]] * [[draco_mull|Draco Mull]] - MU(Academician) L12 NG Human - Court Mage * [[general_dolph_ben_vinuchi|General Dolph Ben Vinuchi]] - F(Cavalier) L11 LG Human * [[colonel_vilus_dag|Colonel Vilus Dag]] - F(Militarist) L8 Human NG ===== Military Forces ===== __Castle Guard__ * [[sir_ustal_ajant|Sir Ustal A'jant]] - F/T(Troubadour) L7/7 NG Human - Commander, Castle Guard __Athninus Centurions__ * [[sir_marcus_athninus|Sir Marcus Athninus]] - F(Cavalier) L7 LG Human - commands Athninus' Centurions * Rutus Tyler __Tallowood’s Knights__ * [[miss_fawn_tallowood|Miss Fawn Tallowood]] - Cav L5 LG Human - leads Tallowood's Knights * [[markum_shillus|Markum Shillus]] - Cav L4 LG Human - is a member of Tallowood's Knights * Gypsum (Dr3 w/wolf) __Cromwell’s Chevaliers__ * Vegus Cromwell (Cv5) * Sgt Rochelus Marx (Cv5) __George Hillgaurd’s Knights__ * [[sir_george_hillguard|Sir George Hillguard]] - Cav L4 LG Human * Pillip Himmnus (F3) __Eltan Stargaurd’s Knights__ * Eltan Stargaurd (Cv5) __Brentt of Jasperton’s Knights__ * Brentt of Jasperton (Cv4) __Silzer’s Squad__ * Alton Silzer of Palance (Cv5) * Milton Minze (Cv1) __Tornbud’s  Knights__ * Criswell Thornbird (Cv5) __Tendle’s Knights__ * Vilgard Tendle (Cv6) * Kalgar Martar (Cv2) __Maylers’s Knights__ * Fox Chisden Meyler IV (Cv4) * Pius Fizden (F4) * Kelzer (Mu4) __Falconbiar’s Knights__ * Lawrene Falconbear (Cv5) * Vladimir Khan (Cv1) __Edenburg’s Knights__ * Stanwich Edenburge (Cv3) __Kingdom Pikemen__ * Boris Shell (F3) ===== Unattached ===== * Azdak Jag (F7) * Alb Millerson (F6)