====== East Harbor ====== {{:20221123_192317.jpg?direct&400|}} East Harbor is a naturally sheltered bay through which OrrĂ³duinĂ«, the [[east_river|East River]], empties into the [[dargonesti_sound|Dargonesti Sound]]. [[in1|IN#1]], the first [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] fort guards the mouth of the [[east_river|East River]] where it enters the harbor. The mouth of the harbor onto the [[dargonesti_sound|Dargonesti Sound]] is protected by [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] forts [[in3|IN#3]] and [[in4|IN#4]]. [[trade_fortress|Trade Fortress]], on the North shore, was founded by [[gilthanas|King Gilthanas Kanan of House Eventine]], and is a major port city of the [[elflands|Kingdom of the Elflands]]. The East Harbor Shipyard, officially [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] Yard [[in23|IN#23]], is on the West shore between the [[east_river|East River]] and the [[jojojopo_river|Jojojopo River]].