====== Kingdom of the Elflands ====== {{:screenshot_20221128-010620_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} Ruled over by [[gilthanas|King Gilthanas Kanan of House Eventine]], Elflands includes all the nations of Krynnic Elves as his vassals. [[twinned_trees|Twinned Trees]] is the [[south_valley|South Valley]] suburb capital of the Elflands. [[trade_fortress|Trade Fortress]] is a major port city of the Elflands on [[east_harbor|East Harbor]]. [[krynn|Krynn]] is a major port and aquatic city of the Elflands on the [[dargonesti_sound|Dargonesti Sound]]. [[quilinestia|Quilinestia]] is the capital city of the Qualinesti Elves, where the [[qualinost_river|Qualinost River]] is joined by the turbulent [[gathflow|Gâthflow]]. [[new_silvan|New Silvan]] is the capital city of the Silvenesti Elves on the [[great_silvanesti_bay|Great Sylvanesti Bay]]. [[wild_mountains|Wild Mountains]] is the nominal capital city of the Kagonesti White Eagle Clan, on the [[kagonesti_basin|Kagonesti Basin]]. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]