====== Thalion Paurgiliath Arch Duke of Eltán ====== {{:ad1p3.jpg?400|}} //**Arch Duke of Eltán, Grand Master of the Imperial Knights, Protector of the Harnic Elves, Lord of the Imperial Host**// [[thalion_gallery|Thalion Gallery]] Imperial Arch Duke of [[duchy_eltan|Duchy Eltán]], nominal ruler of the [[harnic_elves_civ|Civilized Harnic Elves]]. He is also, as Protector of the Harnic Elves, the nominal overlord of the [[rainbow_barbarians|Rainbow Barbarians]], though his functional role here might be better described as Imperial Liason. Eltán is a member of the [[party|The Party]]. Eltán is a Paladin of the [[church_of_eru|Church of Eru Ilùvatar]], and head of the militant portion thereof. Eltán is a Founding Board Member of the [[watc|West Arda Trading Company]]. ===== Founder of ===== [[dolornost_arnen|Dolornost Arnĕn]] (Tall Tree Hill Fort By the Water) - Eltán's [[south_valley|South Valley]] Capitol fort, just West of [[new_solamnia|New Solomnia]] and south of [[st_karlon|St. Karlon]], the [[westmark|Westmark]] capital of [[duchy_st_karlon|Duchy St Karlon]]. [[ciwharnith|Cîwharnith]] (New Harn Sister) - settlement by mostly civilized Harnic Elves in the [[southern_archipelago|Southern Archipelago]] [[beriad_ostaurelian|Beriad Ostaurelian]] (Towers of Rainbow Forest Fortress) - main settlement of [[rainbow_barbarians|Rainbow Barbarians]] [[rhovanost|Rhóvanost]] (Fort Wilder) - settlement in the [[mumakan_peninsula|Mûmakan peninsula]] [[sirnan|Sîrnan]] - Hidden western fortress settlement in a high valley where the [[listening_mountains|Listening Mountains]] split off from the [[yellow_mountains|Yellow Mountains]] ===== Projects ===== [[projects|Ongoing Projects]] Agenda and assignments for Eltán's forces: [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cS9QsPYmkwbLJKtq39k-SfyWeHR3rn91/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Agenda]] * [[fortification_initiative|Fortification Initiative]] * [[rathkeeps_corps|Rathkeeps Corps]] * [[signal_company|Signal Company]] * [[spellcaster_initiative|Spellcaster Recruitment and Training Initiative]] * [[field_engineering_corps|Field Engineering Corps]] * Weighty Chest Magineering - Directive from [[eltan|Thalion Paurgiliath Arch Duke of Eltán]] 2/21/24: * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cJPLYOuWob7zevovA6V4_rNGdy8FJ66V/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Ducal Directive]] * Air Operations * Art in Works * Biological Section * Fortification and Manufacturing * War Engines * [[sky_castles|Sky Castles]] * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t8QGPzB8QVxgMeQLVlf0DpKVT_uGBjHW/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|First Annual Open Arda Maroonish Sofa Championship]], with winning sofas displayed on the [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q7Doy6z40mpghw_4OfPBOS1-Rm-O4LNC/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Imperial Arda Progress, Tree Quest, Historical Explorations, and Furniture Exhibition]] * [[inland_waterway|Great Inland Waterway Initiative]] * [[watc|West Arda Trading Company]] * [[peacekeepers|Paurgiliath Peacekeepers]] * [[fea_group|FEA Group: Fleet Expansion Authority]] ===== Descendants ===== Eltán has: 181 surviving adult natural children, from L2 to L7, 30% Elves, 70% Half Elves, 1/4+ twins, both fraternal & identical, 100 to 600 yrs old, as well as legions of descendants and adoptees, most of whom serve in the Legions of the [[peacekeepers|Paurgiliath Peacekeepers]]. Thalion has adult 30th great grandchildren (600+ years of Thalion’s adulthood x20 year generations) active in the legions.  When Thalion's childhood sweetheart was married, in an arranged marriage, to a young Prince of Eveal on Harn, he was unhappy. When the princeling died a few years later, he was exceedingly conflicted. Eru had, by request, many ages ago, set down rules regarding the marriage of elves. It specified that elves should only marry once, unless their first partner chose never to return from Mandos' halls. What Thalion realized was that elven population had continued to decline for all his recorded history. Two elves have one or two children over the centuries - if no-one ever died untimely, the population would continue to shrink. Eru had proscribed remarriage, but had in no way proscribed reproduction for the widowed or unwed. Thalion undertook a series of sacred divinations, from which he concluded that it was wholly righteous that he should change the face of Elven culture, and have kids. Lots of kids from many mothers. He couldn't marry Lidia, but he could build a vast family that included her. Elves dying out instead of having children is a tragic side effect of culturally warped dogma. Eru likes elves, and children. Eru is also in favor of half elves and high men. If the histories weren't enough evidence, they also, by divine word, are part of the plan. Harmony between the children is pleasing to the most high. His premise brought great controversy to Harnic High Elven culture. Many still do not believe him; but his proof is that he remains a Paladin: he acts as Eru wills. Thalion likes to joke that he is a judgement on traditionalist elves. When Numenor turned to Evil, Eru sent the wave. When Elves turned to isolation, snobbishly fading away while cherishing their eldritch sorrows, Eru sent Thalion. With a number of children absolutely unprecedented in the histories, only occasionally enabled by fertility magic, it is a surprisingly apt comparison. His half-brother and presumptive heir is [[andriero|Andriero Paurgiliath]], although Andriero really doesn't want the responsibility. He has three sets of twins with [[dame_lidia_vie|Dame Lidia Vie]], * [[elurion_paurgiliath|Elurion Paurgiliath]] and [[elurond_paurgiliath|Elurond Paurgiliath]] are Engineers of the [[church_of_eru|Church of Eru]] * [[eluriel_paurgiliath|Elurien Paurgiliath]] and [[eluthien_paurgiliath|Eluthien Paurgiliath]] are Priestesses of [[church_of_eru|Eru Ilúvatar]] * Eluwen Paurgiliath and Eluwing Paurgiliath are members of the [[druid_circle|Druid Circles of Arda]] He has children in Realmspace, from past travels, mostly in [[waterdeep|Waterdeep]] or the High Forest. Those who remain there are worshipers of Faerunic Deities. When the [[start|The Free Imperia]]'s Embassy in Waterdeep was burnt by Master Vampires, they stayed behind and founded the [[gatekeepers_of_the_benevolent_grotto|Gatekeepers of the Benevolent Grotto]] to give them a safe position from which to advance the interests of [[duchy_eltan|Duchy Eltán]] and the Free Imperia. ===== Military Forces ===== Many of Eltán's best military forces are seconded to the [[rathkeeps_corps|Rathkeeps Corps]] and [[field_engineering_corps|Field Engineering Corps]], building and training those organizations as they recruit. ==== Duke Eltán's Knights ==== * [[lady_vana|The Lady Vana, Contessa of Morninghold]] - Ranger(Noble Warrior) L12 CG Harnic High Elf * Captain Eastan Vail (C8) * [[lt_shayl_okarn|Lieutenant Shayl Okarn]] (C6) - Cleric(Scholar Priest) L6 CG Harnic High Elf * Sergeant Lil Kletcherfire * [[sir_anadall_greywind|Sir Anadall Greywind]] - F L9 NG Harnic High Elf * [[arron_shadowfletch|Arron Shaddowfletch]] - F(Archer - Elf) L4 NG Harnic High Elf * [[adle_silverstone|Adle Silverstone]] F(Rider) L3 CG Half Elf * Vivalithsas (d3) * [[lord_raza_vie|Lord Raza Vie]] - F/MU(Swashbuckler) L5/6 CG Harnic High Elf - Duchy Eltán Court Mage * Vala Brightstar (C8) see sheet * Sir Taser Vinrunner (R6) see sheet ==== Other Vassals ==== * [[oronto_ambarone|Oronto Ambarónë, Lord Sithagong]] is the Commandant of the [[free_imperia_navy#marines_personnel|Imperial Marines]]. * [[aian_ambarone|Aian Ambarónë]] * [[malinde|Baroness Malinde]] * [[gerdie|Dame Gerdie]] ==== Harnic Units of Duchy Eltán ==== __Harnic Home Guard__ * [[andriero|Andriero Paurgiliath]] - Paladin L7 NG Mixed Elf __Harnic Archer Group__ * Dodgist Pike (F4) * Larther Zeln (F2) __Harnic Infantry Group__ * Mathaus Trevar (F3) __Shadow Archers__ * Ilithilas Octbon (R5) * L’el Galbarath (MU8) \\ ==== Vinerunners ==== [[vinerunners|Lady Vana's Vinerunners]] * [[lady_vana|Lady Vana]] - Ranger(Noble Warrior) L12 CG Harnic High Elf __Harnic Legion__ * General Ori Bleenfeather (F10) * Commander sin Baralthal (Mu6/th3) __Harnic High Elf Infantry__ * Lord Ezzah (F8) * Captain Lannah (F3) ==== Paurgiliath Peacekeepers ==== [[peacekeepers|Paurgiliath Peacekeepers]] main article [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f5F3ixzqJjEXOGTo_3NDr_x2cS3bdbl5/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Official Paurgiliath Peacekeepers Charter]] __1st (Eltán’s Own)__ * Ducal Guard * [[major_thandwe_paurgiliath|Major Thandwë Paurgiliath]], P L7 CG Harnic High Elf - Commander * [[gerry_paurgiliath|Gerry Paurgiliath]], Diviner L7 LG Half Elf - Staff Diviner __4th (Naval Legion)(Swabbies)__ __7th  (Dragons)__ __9th (Badgers)__ * Engineer Sergeant [[little_khazad_paurgiliath|'Little' Khazad Paurgiliath]], Blacksmith(Beast Rider) L7 NG Harnic Dwarf - Badgers 3rd Cohort, D Century __10th (Rangers)__ __Home Legion__ * [[laurin_paurgiliath|Laurin Paurgiliath]] - Diviner L5 NG Half Elf - Teacher, Remote Viewer __Support Legion__ * [[calmacila_paurgiliath|Calmacila Paurgiliath]] - Blacksmith(Blacksmith) L7 CG Harnic High Elf - Legion Weaponsmith * [[artano_paurgiliath|Artano Paurgiliath]] - Blacksmith(Blacksmith) L7 NG Harnic High Elf - Legion Armorer \\ ==== Rainbow Barbarians ==== __Purple Pine Rainbow Barbarians__ * [[chieftain_kel_belleinianisel|Chieftain Kel (Eagle)]] - Barbarian Fighter L15 NG Harnic High Elf * Elba Tallowood (D10) * Lidia (Cl9) - Ilúvatar * Michalitha (R5) * Lelf Korg Bonebreaker (Wolf) (B9) * Malititos (D4) * Figlas (R3) * Lelf Elissotolem (Ram) (B7) * Lidraslis (D4) * Gilmous (R2) * Lelf T’Koddin (Cougar) (B8) * Xelus (D3) * Balor Shil (F6) * Lelf Bear (Bear) (B10) * Relus Vinemore (D7) * Avan Dogrunner (d3) * Tgamaz Elfbow (F7) * Lelf Advair (Fox) (B6) * Nalur (D3) * Kellris (R3) __Indigo Rock Rainbow Barbarians__ * [[chieftain_baluzn_giallarileithan|Chieftain Baluz’n (Lizard)]] - Barbarian Fighter L7 CG Harnic High Elf * Belli (D3) * Huzzalisthalista (Cl3) – Ilúvatar __Blue Mountain Rainbow Barbarians__ * [[chieftain_barrak_ironfist|Chieftain Burrak Ironfist (Sky)]] - Barbarian Fighter L7 NG Harnic High Elf * Lelf Mischien Capptonsin (Goffer) * Meggeta (R2) __Green Forest Rainbow Barbarians__ * [[chieftain_avery_kinjillas|Chieftan Averys KinJillias (Snake)]] - Barbarian Fighter L6 CG Harnic High Elf * Marc (R2) * Lelf Thorianthalas (B5) * Rowellgzweller (R3) * Marah (Cl3) – Ilúvatar * Lelf Gorin Maltthas (Owl) (B5) * Selena (D3) * Lelf Malak Skygazer (Squirrel) (B5) * Silzar (R2) __Yellow Plains Rainbow Barbarians__ * [[chieftain_fhalosaner_bloodrunner|Chieftain F’halosaner Bloodrunner (Unicorn)]] - Barbarian Fighter L7 LN Harnic High Elf * Lelf Sallow Axe (Horse) (B3) * Bornia (Cl4) – Ilúvatar * Gavin (R4) * Lelf Firebrawn (Bison) (B6) * Longstride (R3) * Lelf Palesolas Fischer (Yellow Pines Kodiak) * Stan (R3) __Orange Bluff Rainbow Barbarians__ * [[chieftain_silvercloud|Chieftain Silvercloud (Wind)]] - Druid(Prophet Priest) L7 N Harnic High Elf * Illthar Elthan Ranger (R5) __Red River Rainbow Barbarians__ * [[chieftain_quriumalas_blooddog|Chieftain Quruimalas Blooddog (Cooshie)]] - Druid(Guardian) L14 N Harnic High Elf * Immerton (R3) * Lelf Terrian Hammerkill (Bobcat) (B3) * Lelf Rexor Ashbow (Lion) (B4) * Mel Harnic (Cl4) – Ilúvatar * Lelf Valman (Salmon) * Thor (R3) __Black Wing Rainbow Barbarians__ * Chieftain Wingthorn Swordcrusher (B4) * Meggen Doveborn (D4)