====== Elven Confederate Navy (ECN) ====== [[http://www.spelljammer.org/npcs/ien/ecn/|ECN Writeup on Spelljammer.org]] The Elven Confederate Navy split off from the [[high_elven_imperial_navy|Elven Imperial Navy]] when commanded to cease pursuit after a hot battle. Beginning as a small squadron of warships based on a backwater planet, they have expanded and designed ships of their own combining Elven and Vodoni technology for better handling. [[captain_tatharandar_windsong|Captain Tatharandar Windsong]] and his butler [[girgle_servig_monkey_man_joe|Girgle Servig 'Monkey Man Joe']] have com as Ambassadors from the ECN to the [[start|The Free Imperia]]. They are consulting on the expansion of the [[micadonia|Micadonia]] [[shipyard|Shipyard]] to produce a greater volume and variety of hulls with the funding from the [[watc|West Arda Trading Company]]. ECN Ship Plans: {{:warhawk.gif?direct&400|}} {{:20240301_204504.jpg?direct&400|}} [[http://www.spelljammer.org/npcs/ien/ecn/Warhawk.html|ECN Warhawk Writeup on Spelljammer.org]] [[captain_tatharandar_windsong|Captain Tatharandar Windsong]] brought his souped up Warhawk 'The Blue Orian' with him to ArdaSpace. {{:mantaray.gif?direct&400|}} [[http://www.spelljammer.org/npcs/ien/ecn/MantaRay.html|ECN Manta Ray Writeup on Spelljammer.org]] The Manta Ray is the largest ECN Warship, and is always accompanied by Stingray Class Destroyers. The ECN Flagship is a reconfigured Manta Ray. {{:stingray.gif?direct&400|}} [[http://www.spelljammer.org/npcs/ien/ecn/StingRay.html|ECN Sting Ray Writeup on Spelljammer.org]] Stingrays are the backbone of the ECN fleet and are always deployed in pods of 3 ships. {{:undefined:20211012_130718.jpg?direct&400|}} Skates, with Stats as Elven Flitters but weighing 3 tons, are the ECN's Ships' Boat. {{:wardolphin.gif?direct&400|}} [[http://www.spelljammer.org/npcs/ien/ecn/WarDolphin.html|ECN War Dolphin Writeup on Spelljammer.org]] War Dolphins are an Elven Ship from when the elves first began exploring the spheres.