====== FIS Interceptor ====== **Squidship, 45 tons** * Helm: Major * Keel: 250' * Beam: 25' * Cargo: 15 Tons * +3 Tons Smuggler's Cargo Commissioned into the [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] Pre ARy20 * Captain: * Blade H-F-14 [[admiral_blade|Admiral Blade]] * Officers: * Torch H-F-8 * Baltzar GE-MU-19 * Rosetta Flamebrand HE-CL-14 * NCOs * Gorle GE-Sa/Mu-4/2 * Kira MF-Mu-6 * Monique Surnanter HE-Th-6 * Malcolm AE-Sa/Th-4 * Alton HE-Art-5 (Grand Adjutant of his Race) * Dalton D-Art-4 * Crew: Crack (12/45) (?? Artillery) * Kasonja Limn-Crew/SA-2 * Doc Seeth Drac-Crew/Art-3 * Aiffean Griff-Art/SA-4.5 * Meatball H-Cook * Courtney HE-Cl-8 * Tula Skybreeze HE-SA-6 * Conga H-F-4 * Feathers Flynne T-Pyx * Leigh Cen-Arch-4 * Froto H1/2-Sal-6 * Pipin H1/2-Sal-4 * Marines: * Passengers: **Posting:** Mentat's Squadron, [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]] **Readiness:** Active **Ship's Boats:** **Armor:** Heavy Wood, [[nak|Nak Metal]] **Armament:** ?? crew req. * Light Catapult foreturret (360°) * 2 Light Ballista (1 AP, 1 AS) * 8 Bombards (4 P, 4 S) * 10 shots each * Greek Fire Projector (F) * Piercing Ram (F) **Supply:** * Provisioned: Full * (x weeks food) * (x weeks water) * Ammunition: Full * Bombard * 80 * Greek Fire Projector * L. Catapult * Ball * Shell * L Ballista * Bolt * Ball * Shell * Harpax Reel * Spars/Ropes/Sail: Fresh & Spare * Portal Locator * 5 Magic Fire Extinguishers * Fireproofing: + 2 save and half damage from magical fire **Cargo Manifest:** * 1482 plates [[nak|Nak Metal]] **Description:** * [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] Dress Paint **Commission, Deckplan,and Profile:** {{:interceptor_.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:interceptor_p2.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:squid_ship_data_card_2e_.gif?direct&400|}} {{:squidship.gif?direct&400|}} {{:rdt_20240216_2358151004598634402603713.jpg?direct&400|}}