====== Gertrude ====== * //Remove Spell: Fleet Feet - Dark Sun// * //Remove Spell: Rejuvenate - Dark Sun// Gertrude is in the [[order_magika_mage_college|Order Magika]]. Gertude is from Harn and used to run a shop with her sister [[broom_hilda|Broom Hilda]]. Gertrude is with Mica2 [[tesla|Looking For Tesla]]. Mage(Witch) L13 CG Std. Half Elf [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JXE5av0iLi3mrQQUNB627MYTGM2WSCvc/view?usp=sharing|Gertrude's character sheet]] ===== Unique Spells by Gertrude ===== == Gertrude's High Energy Lightning Bolt == //AKA: High-Energy Lightning Bolt// (Invocation/Evocation) * Level: 5 * Range: 40 yards + 10 yards per level * Components: V, S, M * Duration: Instantaneous * Casting Time: 5 * Area of Effect: Special * Saving Throw: 1/2 This spell is like lightning bolt, but it does 1d8 damage per level, with a maximum of 20d8. (Source: GNSB, Author: Unknown)