====== The Landsraad, Houses, Council and Imperial Offices ====== ===== The Landsraad ===== The Landsraad, as a political body, predates the current rebirth in the Free Imperium by approximately 4000 years and was at one point referred to as the Landsraad League within the Elfin Empire. The Imperial Elves long ago moved away from the Landsraad. The organization plays a very important role in the political and economic power balance of the Empire, which is shared among the Landsraad, the Emperor, The Order Magica, and the Spelljammers Guild. The word Landsraad means literally the council of the lands (or of the landowning nobility in a feudal system). The Landsraad's original structure was as a democratic body that existed to facilitate dispute resolution, and to aid in the regulation of international trade between what were largely independent governments. The body was overseen by a High Council, which was decided by the drawing of lots, and presiding officers, who were elected by the body at large. Votes were determined according to the population spoken for by member governments. Meetings of the Landsraad occurred every five years, with sub-divisions meeting more frequently. The predecessor to the Landsraad was the Elvin League of Nobles. The League was the system of government adapted from the mythical League of Nobles by the fledgling Elf Empire in response to the Inhuman Wars and its steadfast defense for land-bound humans and elves. During the Inhuman Wars it was feudal at its core and slightly less democratic than the Free Imperium styled Landsraad. After the Inhuman Wars and the ascension of Bendu Olo to the new Imperial throne, the Landsraad was formed by the League in order to keep the power of the Elf Emperor in check. In the rebirth of the Landsraad, the supreme military power of the Emperor through Imperial Forces, paired with his gift of negotiation and vast wealth, makes him the principal power in the sphere of Arda. The Landsraad represents the unification of all the Houses, creating a check against the power of the Emperor which is theoretically a comparable force. The current Emperor is of particular charisma and has held the Landsraad together more then he has polarized it against him. In many ways the Imperial seat defers many of the day to day decisions of the Imperia as a whole to the Landsraad although in theory the Emperor holds the final say. Many have said it has been run more like a military mafia then a royal administration. Both the combined Houses and the Emperor are in turn totally dependent on the Order and the Guild for inter-planer and inter-spherical travel and trade. This solid balance of power serves to prevent any particularly ambitious or destructive faction or individual from upsetting the stability of Imperial Kingdoms and Duchies; at least, for the time. The High council was initially appointed by Aragorn and new members were thereafter co-opted internally. The total number of votes allocated to the Landsraad is planned at 1000: 200 for the Imperial house, 100 for the Spelljammers Guild, 300 for the Houses Major, and 300 for the Houses Minor. The Imperial representative from the Order Magica receives 100 votes to round out the Imperia trade powers. The votes given to the Minor houses were appointed per spatial regions or ‘Circles with a representative for each Circle. The votes assigned to Major houses were allocated by the Guild according to each houses' relative standing among its peers, as an 'Impartial Observer'. Vote allocations are posted a year before each session of the Landsraad, and could be appealed within a certain time period. Each House Major was entitled to no less than one vote, and no more than 10; however, this number can be increased through proxy-voting. ==== Houses ==== The great houses of the Imperia are the primary players in the political, economic, and military affairs of Arda. There are nine great houses in the land. Each of these houses governs a specific region and has the allegiance of many lesser houses. The minor houses of the Imperia are the sworn bannermen of the great houses and work to support their campaigns to secure the Empire. There are a large number of minor houses throughout the land with varying degrees of power and influence. In Terminology of the Imperium, the following definitions apply: HOUSE: Idiomatic for Ruling nobility of Arda or planetary systems related. HOUSES MAJOR: Holders of Imperial fiefs; Spelljamming entrepreneurs HOUSES MINOR: Affluent planet-bound entrepreneur class. Aside from the Imperial House Maximus, the other noble houses including House Kanan, House Falcon and House Cormanch but do not individually approach the power of the Emperor and can come into competition for fiefdoms, financial and military power, and Imperial favor. However, their representation in the Landsraad and their combined armed forces provide a check and balance against the power of the Imperial House and the Emperor. Notable Houses in the Landsraad include: === Great Houses === House Maximus House Cormach House Kanan House Starbreeze House Falcon House Thorin Tri-King House Eltan House Rocha === Minor Houses === Stargazer Ut Wiston Castleton Who House Tallowood Rod Münchhausen Starbreeze Goenhog Von Maxxin Darnel Steelfist Fireforge St. Karlon Tashari Izesta ==== High Council ==== The High Council is the inner circle of the Landsraad during the rule of Aragus Maximus House Maximus. The rule of class distinction backed by the Imperia the Council is empowered to act as supreme tribunal in House to House disputes." A grievance can be brought before the High Council in a Decree of Particulars. Imperial disputes can thus be voted upon within the council with a tie breaking vote by the Imperial House. === Judge of the Change === The Judge of the Change is "an official appointed by the Landsraad High Council and the Emperor to monitor a change of fief, a kanly negotiation, or formal battle in a War of Assassins. The Judge's arbitral authority may be challenged only before the High Council with the Emperor present." ==== Officers of the Imperial Court ==== The primary function of the Imperial Court is to carry out the day to day orders of the Emperor and manifest his words into a functioning system of laws. Members of the Court typically reside at the Palace with the Imperial Family and are entitled to a great deal of respect from the common populace as they are considered direct representatives of imperial authority. The Imperial Court tends to every need of the Imperial Family and surrounds them with servants. At the same time, the Imperial Court influences the nation by maintaining the Emperor’s schedule and advising and counseling him on economic, social and military matters. All legislation and official documents pass through the Imperial Court before reaching the Emperor with very few exceptions. === Imperial Regent === The Imperial Regent is the highest ranking and most trusted personal advisor to the Emperor himself. Serving the Regent is a number of lesser advisors and Imperial Stewards. === Imperial Registrar === This official is responsible for maintaining all accurate records pertaining to the Empire’s population and wealth – including the annual census, immigration and emigration, a breakdown of all demographics and the status of all capital, fortifications, buildings, cities, towns and other permanent structures. === Imperial Magus === The Imperial Magus advises the Emperor on matters of arcane and the occult. He maintains an accurate record of powerful magic items in the employ of the Empire, conducts research for the Emperor and sometimes teaches magic to members of the Imperial Family. === Imperial Postmaster General === xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of Imperial Dispatch and Pony Express. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx all personnel collectively to be known as the Postmen. === Imperial Chronicler === The Imperial Chronicler is the keeper of the Imperial Archives, a vast collection of literature and historical artifacts. He is responsible for all museums and libraries in the Empire. The Chronicler researches and records important events of the day and compiles them in order to maintain the Annals of the Empire, a detailed historical record of the nation. These annals are a matter of public record and open to all citizens. Imperial Master Scholar The Imperial Master Scholar is the head of the imperial scholars. It is the duty of this office to ensure that educational institutions are maintained for the advancement of the nobles of the empire. This office also appoints the heads of all such schools and academies. The Imperial Master Scholar works closely with the Imperial Archivist and Chronicler. === Imperial Speaker === This individual is the Voice of the Court. He is an orator and often gives speeches to the Imperial Court and other assembled nobles. The Imperial Speaker also serves as the Emperors personal secretary, greeting foreign dignitaries, drafting documents and traveling to distant lands as an imperial envoy of the Emperor. === Imperial Lord Marshal === The Imperial Lord Marshal oversees the military of the Empire. He rules over a number of Generals, each of whom commands one of the Imperial armies. The Lord Marshal and his armies oversee the security and defense of the entire Empire. === Imperial Treasurer === The Imperial Treasurer manages the Imperial Treasury and maintains an accurate account of the empire’s wealth. He works closely with the Imperial Registrar. The Treasurer is the Emperor’s primary financial advisor and wields great influence with regards to where money is spent. === Imperial Chief Magistrate === This official sits in judgment of Padashani Imperial Law. Usually, he oversees the legal actions of the imperial provinces and on special occasions, will be called upon to adjudicate cases brought before the Imperial Court. Finally, the Imperial Magistrate advises the Emperor in legal matters and is often consulted in the creation of new laws. === Imperial Stewards === The Stewards are the low ranking members of the Imperial Court. They serve as messengers, envoys and general assistants to the higher ranking officers of the Court. The Imperial Court typically employs many dozens of Stewards. Each officer of the court has a small staff of Stewards serving him.