====== Great Stronghold Lake ====== {{:screenshot_20221125-141917_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} Thought to be the fourth largest lake in Endorë (Middle Earth), it recieves the flow of the [[mist-rib_lakes|Mist-Rib Lakes]] and [[lake_safehelm|Lake Safehelm]], and in turn feeds the mighty [[stronghold_river|Stronghold River]]. [[duchy_stronghold|Duchy Stronghold]]'s capital city of [[safehelm|Safehelm]] fortifies the Eastern end of the isthmus between Great Stronghold Lake and [[lake_safehelm|Lake Safehelm]], and his outpost [[dr1|DR#1]] fortifies the Western end. The [[free_imperia_navy|Imperial Naval]] Fort [[in32|IN#32]] is built on the largest island in Great Stronghold Lake. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]