====== Gulf of the Firstborn ====== {{:screenshot_20230215_165046_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} A series of four embayments separated by narrows, leading to the [[red_mountains|Red Mountains]] just East of the archeological works at [[ce1|Church of Eru Arda Heritage Site CE#1]]. The Bay is home to * the [[imperial_timber_operation|Imperial Timber Operation]], at * [[in39|Imperial Navy Fort IN#39]] * [[in38|Imperial Navy Fort IN#38]] * Skylock to: * [[argentum_capita|Argentum Capita]], Faerun Dwarfhold of [[smash|Thane Smash]] * Nominally under the [[three_kings_of_the_dwarves|Three Kings of the Dwarves]] * At the headwaters of the [[silver_river|Silver River]], which flows to [[wild_mountains|Wild Mountains]] on the [[kagonesti_basin|Kagonesti Basin]]. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]