====== Harad ====== {{:loc_harad.jpg?direct&200|}} [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w41rNU5sz7QZCra_dOOe6ZicD20NOouX/view?usp=drivesdk|Greater Harad Module]] * {{:haradmap.jpg?direct&400|}} * {{:arda_sw_cities.jpg?direct&400|}} The Harad is the great Southwestern desert of Endórë. Stretching from the Western Ocean to the [[ered_ormal_mountains|Ered Ormal]] mountains in the East, which separate it from [[palisor|Palisor]], and from the ruins of Mordor in the North to the [[yellow_mountains|Yellow Mountains]] in the South, it includes a vast portion of the continent. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]