====== High Elven Imperial Navy ====== Troubling intelligence intercepted from the HEIN: ([[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-4sFZ7LqHhXKMVQi-1V-vS66xpA3O2Oc/view?usp=drivesdk|CLASSIFIED]]) The navy of the primary inter-sphere empire of High Elves, one of the major forces in the Spelljamming wars of the Phlogiston between the spheres. Some members of the HEIN are honored guests aboard the [[superbalas|The Superbalas]]. The forces of the [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] rescued them and their experimental top of the line new Spelljamming Fighter which had mysterious problems. [[bif|Crom Thorson, Count Volsung]] and a Rod of Rulership are rumored to be involved in the rescue. Fortunately we were able to bring the ship and crew safely to Arda pending a convenient chance to return them. [[grand_admiral_lylanna_nulaque|Grand Admiral Lylanna Nuliaque]], "Daughter of the Wolf, Mistress of the Forgotten Hope", is the Grand Admiral of the High Elven Imperial Navy. The [[elven_confederate_navy_ecn|Elven Confederate Navy (ECN)]] are a splinter group that broke off from the HEIN, who sent [[captain_tatharandar_windsong|Captain Tatharandar Windsong]] to the [[start|The Free Imperia]] as an Ambassador and naval consultant.