====== House Kanan and House Eventine ====== The royal house of Krynnic Elves. [[gilthanas|Gilthanas]] is their hereditary King, and Speaker of the Sun and Moon. The wife of [[aragorn|Aragithalas Sercenornorow Kanan]], thus the Empress of the [[start|Free Imperia]] is [[laurana_kanan|Laurana Bloodrunner Eventine Kanan]], younger sister to [[gilthanas|Gilthanas]]. [[gilthanas|Gilthanas]] inherited on the death of his eldest brother Porthios. Porthios was survived by his wife [[alhana_starbreeze_kanan|Alhana Starbreeze Kanan]], who was the daughter of the Speaker of Stars, and their young son [[silvanoshei_kanan_eventine|Silvanoshei Kanan Eventine]], or Silvan who is the heir apparent as [[gilthanas|Gilthanas]] and his wife are unable to bear children. [[galrothales_evintine|Galrothales Evintine]], scion of a cadet branch of the house, leads the 1st Krynnic Archers. Their important retainers include: * [[coltha_tallowood|Coltha Tallowood]] Royal Knight, Crusader - POSM * [[kern|Kern]] Ranger Lord * [[ladine_dralathalas|Ladine Dralathalas]] House Advocate * [[perreth_sunbreeze|Perreth Sunbreeze]] Court Mage * [[rilliona_dawnbringer|Rilliona Dawnbringer]] Court Mage