====== Hyborean Age of Earth ====== [[https://images-geeknative-com.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/10003148/Hyborian-Age-of-Conan-the-Barbarian-map.jpg|Map]] After the sinking of Atlantis, while the continents were still clustered as Pangea, the Hyborean age was home to Kull the Conqueror, Conan, and [[red_sonja_of_hyrkania|Red Sonja]]. The Hyborean Age was home to the [[druggie|Druggie Wizard]]. The [[party|party]] was thrown into the Hyborean Age, having imploded the portal on modern earth through which the apemen were invading. [[church_of_aslan|Aslan]], through [[kane|Kane]], predicted that we have a chance to stop an evil before it begins. They rescued the [[mithra_trees|Mithra Tree]] guarding the Iron Book, and escaped back to their own timestrean with help from [[blendin_blandin|Blendin Blandin]].