====== Imperial Military Base IM#1 ====== __Map: N21__ {{:screenshot_20230412_113313_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} A very large fort about 120 miles NNE of the Sister Cities, guarding the Northern bend of the Orróduinë, or [[east_river|East River]]. A considerable body of Imperial and Vassal troops are regularly rotated through garrison duty at IM#1. It also serves as the main site of civilization between the Sister Cities and [[east_harbor|East Harbor]] on the [[dargonesti_sound|Dargonesti Sound]]. It is the common point for [[odins_folk|Odin's Folk]] to arrive from or split to the North from the River Road, on the long route North to Rhûn then West to [[vestrhelm|Vestrhelm]] and Rohan. There is a rowdy frontier culture of travelers, river boat captains and crews, merchants, and various military personnel. The predictable luxuries that this attracts make it a popular posting. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]