====== Imperial Sardukar ====== The Imperial Sardukar was created by the [[aragorn|Emperor]]. It is commanded by [[ser_barristan-the_bold|Ser Barristan the Bold]]. It is a [[imperial_officeholders_and_appointees:#Household_Troops|Imperial Household Military Unit]]. The Imperial Sardukar consists of specially trained shock troops and knights who have embraced a code that allows them to deal with a greater variety of situations and opponents. In addition to its Hoplite style infantry sections, it includes a Heavy Cavalry century that rides with the Emperor in war or diplomacy, or for functions of state. [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TRikAkI3iGHEp3X_MJNEJgyIVR6khnRt/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Official Charter]] - raw