====== Imperial Timber Operation ====== {{:screenshot_20221129-204932_gallery_1_.jpg?direct&400|}} Timber is ecologically harvested around the [[gulf_of_the_firstborn|Gulf of the Firstborn]], in the far Northeast of Endórë, and seasoned and pre-worked at [[in39|Imperial Navy Fort IN#39]] before being gathered into Southbound fleets. Some gather at [[in38|Imperial Navy Fort IN#38]], sometimes picking up extra escorts at [[in37|Imperial Navy Fort IN#37]], along with merchant ships carrying furs and amber, the timber fleets proceed Southward along Endórë's East Coast to the [[great_silvanesti_bay|Great Sylvanesti Bay]]. Increasing numbers of timber fleets instead gather at the Westernmost embayment of the [[gulf_of_the_firstborn|Gulf of the Firstborn]], and travel via Skylock to [[smash|Thane Smash]]'s Faerun Dwarfhold of [[argentum_capita|Argentum Capita]], joining the [[inland_waterway|Great Inland Waterway]] at its Northern end. They proceed in fleets down the [[silver_river|Silver River]] to the [[white_eagle_kagonesti_tribe|White Eagle Kagonesti Tribe]]'s nominal Capital of [[wild_mountains|Wild Mountains]] on the [[kagonesti_basin|Kagonesti Basin]]. From here, whichever southing the timber fleets took, they proceed via the [[inland_waterway|Inland Waterway]] at [[semboch|Semboch]] or [[new_silvan|New Silvan]], onwards to [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]].