====== Imperial Navy Fort IN#10 - Fleet House ====== {{:20240104_230227.jpg?direct&400|}} Central blockhouse of the [[channel_forts|Channel Forts]] across the [[dargonesti_narrows|Dargonesti Narrows]], on the North Shore of Harbor Island. IN#10 overlooks the primary harbor, controlling it with banks of heavy artillery. It also houses the bulk of the personnel stationed on [[harbor_island|Harbor Island]], including pilots and sailors of the Narrows protective fleet. The first two floors are an open hall, serving as a market area for the base. The Narrows Bar, a popular drinking establishment, does a rowdy business here, and extends to outdoor tables when the weather is nice. Nevertheless, the walls are thick, the embrasures are well sited, and it remains a high security Imperial facility. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]