====== Imperial Navy Fort IN#13 ====== {{:20240104_231158.jpg?direct&400|}} Built on the heights of Herders' Rock, IN#13 is the second Easternmost of the [[channel_forts|Channel Forts]] in the [[dargonesti_narrows|Dargonesti Narrows]]. Its artillery overlooks the Eastern passages seperating it from the Eastern end of [[harbor_island|Harbor Island]] and the Western point of [[shay_head|Shay Head]]. The tower is supplied by vast winches on the lower Northern cliffs, where there are fair weather docks. A great herd of shaggy cattle, feeding the [[channel_forts|Channel Forts]], are raised here. Grapevines do well, and a small winery operates here, again primarily serving those stationed in the [[dargonesti_narrows|Dargonesti Narrows]]. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]