====== Imperial Navy Base IN#28 ====== Map: R20 {{:screenshot_20230412_124624_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} Naval Base #28 was built on Horseshoe Rock, a 50 odd mile wide remnant of a long extinct volcano. Gently rolling hills surround an ideal caldera harbor, its narrow entrance guarded by a shoal of three small islands with artillery forts. Added to this, it has a small but steady freshwater spring welling up from unimaginable depths. It is, in point of fact, as if [[church_of_eru|Eru]] designed it specifically for the [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperial Navy]] to anchor the safety of the [[southern_archipelago|archipelago]] from. The huge Naval Fortification was designed and stocked to supply and safeguard island shipping and settlements. Only frigates and smaller ships are built in the yards, but they are more than capable of repairs on anything that floats or flies. The fort has been worked with a system of channels so that vessels may be moved rapidly across the island from the harbor and launched on the other side. The island's volcanic soil grows remarkable Shiraz grapes, and its vinters are justifiably famous. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]