====== Jojojopo Peninsula ====== {{:screenshot_20221127-180446_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} The Jojojopo Peninsula, being the Southern end of the [[ered_ormal_mountains|Ered Ormal]] mountain range, extends Southeast more than 500 miles from the Sister Cities, between the [[east_river|East River]] and [[great_southern_river|Great Southern River]], forming the Western Shore of [[east_harbor|East Harbor]] and the [[dargonesti_sound|Dargonesti Sound]]. One of the first areas settled by [[start|The Free Imperia]],it is largely secured by [[free_imperia_navy|Naval]] Forts, and held directly by the [[aragorn|Emperor]]. One significant exception is its great port on the [[dargonesti_sound|Dargonesti Sound]], the City of [[middle_town|Middle Town]], founded by Hill Dwarves under the [[three_kings_of_the_dwarves|Three Kings of the Dwarves]] on an exceptional silver mine, which happily exists in the cliffs above a well sheltered broad harbor. On [[east_harbor|East Harbor]] it has the great [[in23|East Harbor Yard, IN#23]], the largest Naval Yard in the [[start|The Free Imperia]], built at the mouth of the [[jojojopo_river|Jojojopo River]], which winds from [[in27|Imperial Navy Fort IN#27]] on lake Jojojopo in the central highlands. [[in3|IN#3]] guards the southern point of [[east_harbor|East Harbor]]'s mouth on the [[dargonesti_sound|Dargonesti Sound]], and [[in1|Imperial Navy Fort IN#1]], built across islands at the Northeastern root of the Jojojopo Peninsula gives the [[east_river|East River]] access to the harbor with drawbridges to control both land traffic and shipping. Proceeding around the coastline from [[east_harbor|East Harbor]], past [[middle_town|Middle Town]], we reach [[in7|IN#7]], which anchors the Western Edge of the [[channel_forts|Channel Forts]] in the [[dargonesti_narrows|Dargonesti Narrows]]. The furthest Eastern point of the Peninsula has [[in20|IN#20, or Smuggler's Cove]], another [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] fort with an active village, watching the Western edge of the mouth of the [[dargonesti_narrows|Dargonesti Narrows]]. Just inside the point is the well fortified tax-free harbor of [[in18|IN#18, the Narrows Yard.]] The [[jojojopo_rocks|Jojojopo Rocks]] extend Southeast from the tip, masking the Southern approach to the [[dargonesti_narrows|Dargonesti Narrows]]. The furthest is marked by a [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] fortified lighthouse at [[in16|IN#16]]. [[in19|IN#19]] is a fortified lighthouse on the Southernmost extent of the main Peninsula, and to the West [[in15|IN#15]] is another fortified lighthouse on the southernmost tip of [[codya_point|Codya Point]]. Finally, [[in6|IN#6]] marks the tip of [[imperial_point|Imperial Point]] to the East of the approach to the mouth of the [[great_southern_river|Great Southern River]] where [[in2|Imperial Navy Fort #2]] is the strongly fortified harbor at the Western root of the Peninsula. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]