====== Kesh ====== {{:screenshot_20221128-001940_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} Kesh - __Map: P24__ [[king_cormach|King Cormach]]'s city of Kesh is centrally located as a trade nexus between the Dwarves of [[tri_king_fortress|Tri-King Fortress]], the thriving cities of the [[dargonesti_sound|Dargonesti Sound]], the [[southern_archipelago|archipelago]], and [[king_cormach|Cormach]]'s own farmers and ranchers in the [[shay_head|Shay]] peninsula. Many foreign traders do business here, leaving the taxed importation of goods to larger cities to [[king_cormach|Cormach]]'s brokers. As a result, irregular but discounted goods are often available. Kesh has a strong fortified harbor, and maintains its own fleet to interdict pirates from the [[southern_archipelago|archipelago]]. Surrounding agriculture is impressive, including ranchers of cattle, horses, and emus, and farmers of sugar cane, barley, rye, citrus, mangoes, and bananas. Recently they have begun breeding Axe Beaks from out-island stock, primarily trading them as mounts to the [[three_kings_of_the_dwarves|Three Kings of the Dwarves]] and to Krynnic Kender settlements that have intermingled with [[king_cormach|Cormach]]'s human subjects. They also experiment with aging distilled spirits in Arda-native wood casks, though none of these have yet attained great renown beyond the region. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]