====== Khand ====== {{:loc_khand.jpg?direct&200|}} The arid lands at the far Eastern edge of the [[harad|Great Harad Desert]], just South of the ruins of Mordor, and separated from the Chey Plateau of Southern [[palisor|Palisor]] by the [[ered_ormal_mountains|Ered Ormal]] mountain range. * {{:khandnew_kopie.jpg?direct&400|}} * Saikan * ankruz * Arysis * maresh * {{:maresh.jpg?direct&400|}} * Nurad * Nennûrhad __Map: I17__ * Greater Khand * ammu khand __Map: J17__ * Lower Khand * sturlurtsa khand __Map: L16__ * Now Sofular in [[barony_tranth|Barony Tranth]] * Upper Khand * kyzilkum * {{:plainskhandur.jpg?direct&400|}} * Lurmsakan * enmahadh * Pezarsan * korandaj * {{:chelkar.jpg?direct&400|}} * Chelkar * korb chelkar * Haruzan * amrûn / tirith amrûn __Map: K13__ [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]