====== Listening Mountains ====== {{:screenshot_20230412_235101_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} Bending SSW from the Western end of the [[yellow_mountains|Yellow Mountains]], the Listening Mountains extend all the way to the end of the [[thanihazad|Thanihazad]], bisecting the peninsula. [[eltan|Thalion Paurgiliath Arch Duke of Eltán]]'s hidden Western Fortress [[sirnan|Sîrnan]] is built where the two ranges join. [[pk6|Paurgiliath Peacekeepers Outpost PK#6]] and [[tc1|West Arda Trading Company Outpost TC#1]] guard a Skylock of the [[inland_waterway|Great Inland Waterway]] through the Cleft of Lions. Once named the Cleft of Goats, it is the primary Northern pass through the range. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]