====== Lōchas Drūs River ====== {{:screenshot_20221125-165133_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} While the mouth of the Lōchas Drūs River is broad and speckled with delightful islands, it is so shallow and sandy that only vessels with a shallow draft put in here. The river's many branches remain shallow, broad, and relatively placid as it spiders across Wōl and Brōd. Consequently barge traffic is common, and its wide spread forks reach [[tri_king_fortress|Tri-King Fortress]] and [[dk3|DK#3]] in the [[tri_king_mountains|Tri-King Mountains]] and the land-side of [[bm1|BM#1]] on [[grand_monaco_bay|Grand Monaco Bay]]. A great deal of trade goods pass between [[baron_munchausen|Baron Munchausen]]'s folk, the agrarian hill dwarves, and the great Dwarven fortress. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]