====== Lōdenūlý Bay ====== {{:screenshot_20221129-143109_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} The [[lodenuly_river|Lōdenūlý River]] enters the Lōdenūlý Bay at [[samarth|Samarth]]. The bay empties into the [[bight_of_exile|Bight of Exile]] some 70 miles to the South. On a wooded jut of the bay on the west shore, the [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] built the fortified harbor of [[in25|Imperial Navy Fort IN#25]]. The bay separates the [[harshandatt |Harshandatt]] to the West and South from [[bulchyades|Bulchyades]] to the East and [[chy|Chy]] to the North.