====== Lord Raza Vie ====== **Baron of Vieheim** {{:screenshot_20230429_141544_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} Nephew of [[dame_lidia_vie|Dame Lidia Vie]] One of [[eltan|Thalion Paurgiliath Arch Duke of Eltán]]'s household knights. Court Mage of [[duchy_eltan|Duchy Eltán]] Test Pilots, Air Operations, [[field_engineering_corps|Field Engineering Corps]] Initiate (6o),[[order_magika_mage_college|Order Magika]] Cryptography specialist and Ducal liason, [[signal_company|Signal Company]] F/MU(Swashbuckler) L5/6 CG Harnic High Elf [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LgrfpItA6rryr22_2yTpGCpHu_HYlE4t/view?usp=drivesdk|Lord Raza Vie's character sheet]] ===== Character History ===== Lord Raza Vie's house have been allies of Houses Paurgiliath and Vana for ages, often fostering children with eachother.    He became Thalion's household knight more than a hundred years ago, and Court Mage of Duchy Eltan not long after.    The Staff of the Magi is the staff of office.    It has been used by the Duchy's Court Mages for generations lost in antiquity.    Paired with his own family's ring of wizardry, it helps to bring a mage who is still basically a student enough power to fulfil his function.    A cheerful swashbuckling rogue, he loves spelljammers, and more than half wants to become a pirate, or at least a privateer errant.    His six-shooters are marvels of the gun-makers art, chased in gold inlay, balanced perfectly, and operated by percussion caps that he makes himself. They were purchased for him by his father from the Rock of Braal before the fall of Harn. ==== Signature Spells ==== //Cast as 2 levels higher, cast extra 1x/day// * Signature Spell 1st: Magic Missile * Signature Spell 2nd: Enchanted Blade * Signature Spell 3rd: Fireball ==== Magic Items ==== **Staff of the Magi** This potent staff contains many spell powers and other functions. Some of its powers drain charges; others don't. The following powers do not drain charges: * detect magic * enlarge * hold portal * light * protection form evil/good The following powers drain one charge per usage: * invisibility * fireball * knock * lightning bolt * pyrotechnics * ice storm * web * wall of fire * dispel magic * passwall These powers drain two charges per usage: * whirlwind1 * conjure elemental2 * plane travel * telekinesis3 1The whirlwind is identical to that caused by a dijinni. 2The staff can be used to conjure one elemental of each type per day, each having 8 Hit Dice. 3Telekinesis is at 8th level also (i.e., 200 pounds maximum weight). The staff of the magi adds a +2 bonus to all saving throw rolls vs. spell. It can be used to absorb wizard spell energy directed at its wielder, but if the staff absorbs energy beyond its charge limit, it will explode as if a "retributive strike" (see below) had been made. The spell levels of energy absorbed count only as recharging the staff, but they cannot be redirected immediately, so if absorption is desired, that is the only action possible by the staff wielder that round. Note also that the wielder has no idea how many spell levels are cast at him, for the staff does not communicate this knowledge as a rod of absorption does. Absorbing spells is risky, but absorption is the only way this staff can be recharged. Retributive strike is a breaking of the staff. It must be purposeful and declared by the wizard wielding it. When this is done all levels of spell energy in the staff are released in a globe of 30-foot radius. All creatures within 10 feet of the broken staff suffer hit points of damage equal to eight times the number of spell levels of energy in the rod (1 to 25), those between 10 feet to 20 feet take 6 x levels, and those 20 feet to 30 feet distant take 4 x levels. Successful saving throws versus magic indicate only one-half damage is sustained. The wizard breaking the staff has a 50% chance of traveling to another plane of existence, but if he does not, the explosive release of spell energy totally destroys him. This staff and the staff of power are the only magical items capable of a retributive strike. Copyright 1999 TSR Inc. **Ring of Wizardry 1st-3rd** This ring doubles the number of spells a wizard may prepare each day in one or more spell levels. Only wizards can benefit from a ring of wizardry. Other classes, even those with spell ability, can neither use nor understand the working of such a ring. To determine the properties of a given ring use the table below:                              * 01-50: doubles 1st-level spells * 51-75: doubles 2nd-level spells * 76-82: doubles 3rd-level spells * 83-88: doubles 1st-and 2nd-level spells * 89-92: doubles 4th-level spells * 93-95: doubles 5th-level spells * 96-99: doubles 1st- through 3rd-level spells * 100: doubles 4th- and 5th-level spells Copyright 1999 TSR, Inc. **Pouch of Accessibility** This normal-seeming pouch is actually a strongly magicked item which can contain up to 300 lbs. in 30 specially constructed pockets within it. Each pocket, in turn, holds a maximum of 10 lbs., or one cubic foot of volume, whichever is reached first.         This device also enables the possessor to open it and call forth the item(s) desired. Merely speaking the name of a desired object causes it to appear at the top of the pouch, ready for instant grasp.         These items are similar to bags of holding and portable holes, and the strictures about placement within such magical spaces apply fully. The pouch weighs 1 lb. empty and 4 lbs. when filled. **Sword, Rapier +2, Stonecutter** The Stonecutter is a powerful blade made entirely of polished stone, the 'blade' is generally obsidian, or a polished marble, granite or other colorful stone. It is set with uncut but polished gems of various colors and the blade is covered in runes. The Stonecutter acts as a sword +2 vs most creatures however, if used against stone giants, stone or clay golems, or any creature from the elemental plane of Earth as well as its paraelemental planes, the weapon does a +5 bonus. Against any being made of stone (True Earth Elementals, Stone Giants, Golems, Galeb Dhur, etc.) the weapon does double damage. The Sword will also do normal structual damage to stone, cutting easily through walls and mountains. Copyright 1999 TSR, Inc.