====== Marlil ====== Marlil is a [[druid_circle|Druid]] in the [[wildrunners_kirath|Kirath Wildrunners]] in service to [[gilthanas|King Gilthanas Kanan of House Eventine]]. By Imperial Edict Marlil is assigned to research and facilitate making of Lembas Bread as a Yvanna granted power/spell for distribution through [[laurana_kanan|Laurana Bloodrunner Eventine Kanan]]. [[https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Lembas|Lembas on Tolkien Gateway]] [[https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Elven_bread|Lembas Bread properties on Forgotten Realms Wiki]] D(Scout) L10 NG Silvenesti (Krynnic High Elf) [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/11rh5SislP3NT-vErO3MwY1Bb_ykrzqVB/view?usp=sharing|Marlil's character sheet]]