====== Mica "Wiley" of the Nine ======
**//Imperial Regent, Free Imperia Court Magus, Alchemist/Philosopher, Miskatonic Fellow and Arch-Mage of the Order Magika//**
===== Mica =====
Born on Krynn, Mica is the Archmage and Regent of the Free Imperia.
Founder of [[micadonia|Micadonia]].
Mica founded the [[order_magika_mage_college|Order Magika]], the great college and library of magic in [[start|The Free Imperia]]
Mica is a [[miskatonic_fellow|Miskatonic Fellow]].
Mica is a Founding Board Member of the [[watc|West Arda Trading Company]]
Mica exists in two versions. Mica1 is an active member of the [[Party|Party]].
Mica1 is a deacon of the [[church_of_bahamut|Church of Bahamut]] on Arda.
Mica2 is [[Tesla|Looking for Tesla]] with a select group of companions.
Mica's Unified Theory speech to the [[order_magika_mage_college|Order Magika]] : [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kmKaJ6Ob-nmOwZyWed722fwNBdBEWHlZ/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true|Speech Text]]
Mica's most recent Character Sheet on the Google Drive: [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UqwzP_VNFPReZiBH9wauAsCtIr4Fosbv/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106856958548784508976&rtpof=true&sd=true?|sheet]]
=====Sidekicks, Followers, and Known Associates =====
Mica's Daughter
* [[murbella|Murbella of the Nine]]
[[micas_ninjas|Mica's Ninja]]
* [[motubo|Motubo]]
* [[miho|Miho]]
[[order_magika_mage_college|Order Magika]] - Mage's college and library founded by Mica.
===== Projects =====
Creating special golem/warforged with [[theros_ironfeld|Theros Ironfeld]] to wield Rod of Seven Parts
===== Unique Spells by Mica =====
== Micas Bookworm Bane ==
* Level: 1
* Range: Touch
* Components: V,S
* Duration: One week / level
* Casting Time: 1
* Area of Effect: One book or 2-5 scrolls
* Saving Throw: None
This spell, when cast upon a book, scroll, or similar paper item, wards the item against bookworms for the duration of the spell. A bookworm on the item when the spell is cast will immediately flee.
== Mica’s Photo Spell ==
* Level: 1
* Range: 0
* Components: V,M
* Duration: Permanent
* Casting Time: 1
* Area of Effect: One flat surface
* Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a full color photograph on a flat surface in full color.
The viewpoint will be that of the caster, with a maximum magnification of 4X (actual magnification is optional, at time of casting). The area of the picture is a square of up to 1' + 1/2' / level on each side.
A picture may be enlarged by further applications of the spell, each magnifying up to 4X the previous magnification. The maximum magnification (total) of a
photograph is 62X +2X / level. (The level is of the wizard who cast the
original photograph, not the one doing the enlarging. Each enlargement also has a maximum magnification that may limit the final outcome if a low level caster is working with a photograph cast by a high level wizard.) "Shutter speed" is instantaneous, or nearly so, as the DM wishes.
The material
component is a silver piece.
== Mica’s Primer/ Mica’s Fabulous Fuse ==
(Evocation, Alteration)
* Level: 1
* Range: Touch
* Components: V,S,M
* Duration: Permanent until discharged
* Casting Time: 1
* Area of Effect: Object touched
* Saving Throw: Special
The spell creates a small amount of a substance that explodes into flame
when roughly treated. The flame is not enough to damage, unless the creature is highly vulnerable to fire; then it will cause one point of damage if in direct contact, and a save is failed. It is enough to interrupt spell casting, even if no damage is caused.
If cast upon a creature, it gains a saving throw vs magic to negate the effect. The flame will ignite oil or smoke powder, which then have their normal effects.
Generally formed on the inside of a container, so when it is broken or subjected to a sharp shock, the contents react. Normally used in containers of Greek fire or sixgun shells, though could be used as part of a trap in a lock, etc.
Note that a primed item could be set off by a fall, an enemy's weapon, etc. (if carried, allow a saving throw vs breath weapon; precautions should also be taken into account).
The material component is a drop of quicksilver.
== Mica’s Time Know ==
* Level: 1
* Range: Touch
* Components: V,S
* Duration: 1 turn / level
* Casting Time: 1
* Area of Effect: Creature(s) touched
* Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the recipients to be able to know exactly how much time has passed, simply by thinking about it, for as long as the spell lasts. For every two levels of experience, the wizard may give this ability to another creature, i.e. two at 3rd level, three at 5th level, etc. There will be no
effect on creatures who are not at least semi-intelligent.
== Micas Bookworm Bane II ==
* Level: 2
* Range: 30 yards
* Components: V,S,M
* Duration: 1 day / level
* Casting Time: 1 turn
* Area of Effect: Cube 10' / level
* Saving Throw: None
This spell prevents bookworms from permanently entering the area of effect. Any in the area when the spell is cast will immediately flee.
The material component is a vial of ink.
== Mica’s Brain Baffle I ==
* Level: 2
* Range: Hearing range of subject(s)
* Components: V
* Duration: 1 round
* Casting Time: 1
* Area of Effect: All creatures within range
* Saving Throw: Neg.
Upon casting this spell, the wizard speaks some sort of verbal nonsense or statement inappropriate to the situation. All creatures in hearing range that fail a saving throw will stand baffled, doing nothing but trying to comprehend the spell caster's statement (they can defend themselves in melee well enough to get the benefit of dexterity and shields, but may not attack). This spell will only affect creatures that understand the language spoken by the spell caster.
If the caster explains beforehand what the nonsense means, the subject gets a +4 to his saving throw.
== Mica’s Feather Spell ==
* Level 2
* Range: 10 yds + 10 yds/level
* Components: V, M
* Duration: special
* Casting time: 2
* Area of effect: 20 ft radius
* Saving throw: special
The feathers create a billowing mass of feathers blinding creatures within the area of effect for 1 round/level of caster. A gust of wind or similar will disperse the feathers in 1 round.
The feathers are also flammable and burn completely in 1 round. Causing 1d4 points of damage to those in range. The resulting smoke acts as a stinking cloud. Any creature caught within the cloud must roll a successful saving throw vs. poison or be reeling and unable to attack because of nausea for 1d4+1 rounds after leaving the cloud. Those who make successful saving throws can leave the cloud without suffering any ill effect. Those remaining in the cloud must continue to save each round. The cloud can be dispersed in one round by a strong breeze.
The material component is a feather.
== Mica’s Firebrand I ==
* Level: 2
* Range: 0
* Components: V,S
* Duration: Instantaneous
* Casting Time: 2
* Area of Effect: 2' wide jet, 5' long / level
* Saving Throw: 1/2
Much like Burning Hands, this spell
enables the wizard to shoot a jet of
searing flames from his left or right hand, as desired. The jet is 5' long per level, and inflicts one four sided die of damage per level of experience of the wizard, or half that amount if a saving throw is made. Maximum damage is 10d4. Inflammable materials will burn.
== Mica’s Life Drain ==
* Level: 2
* Range: Touch
* Components: V,S
* Duration: Permanent
* Casting Time: 2
* Area of Effect: One creature
* Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, it enables the wizard to drain 1 HP / level of
experience from his opponent and bestow them on himself, subject to the caster's maximum, of course. The wizard must touch his opponent. Hit points drained may be regained in the normal manners (i.e., rest, spell, potion, etc.). Creatures unaffected by a cause (or cure) light wounds will not be harmed. The spell is first prepared (with an initiative modifier of 2), and
a key word spoken when the opponent is touched activates the magic.
== Mica’s Military Mending II ==
* Level: 2
* Range: 30 yards
* Components: V,S,M
* Duration: Permanent
* Casting Time: 2
* Area of Effect: One object
* Saving Throw: None
This spell will remove multiple fractures, dents, and small breaks from an item. It will completely repair a broken sword, spear, pole arm, and all damage incurred by armor if the optional armor damage system is used (including magical armor, but not other magical items).
The material component is as for Mending.
== Mica’s Mystical Rustproof ==
(Alteration) Reversible
* Level: 2
* Range: 30 yards
* Components: V,S
* Duration: Permanent
* Casting Time: 2
* Area of Effect: One metal object
* Saving Throw: Special
A long time ago Mica of the Nine Fingers was acquainted with a necromancer named “Zeko” who used to use rustdust like it was water.
Well after a few errant uses by Zeko (and some lost daggers, buckles and clasps), Mica developed this spell. It prevents normal or magical metal items from rusting. Magical effects, such as a rust monster attack, are saved against at +4 (+20%) in addition to any bonuses for magic. The reverse of this spell causes the rusting process to greatly accelerate or makes magical items rust normally (also eliminating the magical bonus to the saving throw against magical rusting attacks). The item only gets a saving throw if it is in the possession of a creature wanting to avoid the effect; a successful save negates.
== Mica’s Super Lubriciousness Spell ==
* Level: 2
* Range: 10 yards
* Components: V,S,M
* Duration: 1 round / level
* Casting Time: 2
* Area of Effect: 10 square feet / level
* Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast, it affects the surface of objects to make them
behave as if oil of slipperiness had been poured on them. Maximum surface
area affected is ten square feet per level of the caster (a 5th level wizard could affect 50 square feet, or a 5 X 10 foot area). No living creature can be affected by this spell. It will prevent people from walking on an affected floor, climbing a wall, etc. Web spells will not adhere to such a surface. Grapples will generally be ineffective against a wall whose top is under this spell.
If cast on items on someone's person, he gains a saving throw vs magic to avoid the effects.
The material component is a drop of fine oil.
== Mica’s Book Preserver ==
(Alteration, Abjuration)
* Level: 3
* Range: Touch
* Components: V,S,M
* Duration: 1 day / level
* Casting Time: 3
* Area of Effect: One book or 2-5 scrolls
* Saving Throw: None
This spell waterproofs the item, makes it immune to normal fire, gives a +4 bonus to the s.t. vs magical fire and +2 to all other saving throws. In addition, an Erase spell suffers a -50% modifier and bookworms will not disturb the item. The material component is a scroll case.
== Mica’s Brain Baffle II ==
* Level: 3
* Range: Hearing range of subject(s)
* Components: V
* Duration: Special
* Casting Time: Special
* Area of Effect: All creatures within range
* Saving Throw: Neg.
This acts as Baffle I, except that the spell lasts as long as the spell
caster keeps talking, chanting, etc. The recipients get a saving throw each round, and once this save is made, they can no longer be affected by this casting of the spell.
== Mica’s Brilliance Spell ==
* Level: 3
* Range: Special
* Components: V,S,M
* Duration: 1 turn / level
* Casting Time: 3
* Area of Effect: Special
* Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a brightly glowing 3' diameter sphere which illuminates an area equal to full daylight. The area illuminated will depend on terrain and the height of the sun above the ground. Generally, it will be about 1 mile radius.
NB: Light intensity decreases with increasing distance from the glowing sphere. The magic user cannot form the sun closer than 30' away, up to a maximum of 100 yards plus 10 yards / level distant. Creatures who look directly at the sun at less than 30' distant will be blinded (-4 on all dice rolls and AC) for 1-4 rounds unless a save vs magic is made.
If a person actually goes through the sun, he will take 1-6 hp damage unless resistant to fire, and will be blinded for 2-8 rounds (1/2 if a saving throw vs breath weapon is made). The material component is a rock crystal.
== Mica’s Distance Enhancer ==
* Level: 3
* Range: Touch
* Components: V,S,M
* Duration: 5 rounds / level
* Casting Time: 1 turn
* Area of Effect: Weapon(s) touched
* Saving Throw: None
This spell turns an ordinary missile weapon into an enchanted one. Though no bonuses to attack or damage rolls are granted, all range categories are doubled. Two small (arrows, bolts, daggers, etc.) or one large (axe, bow, hammer, etc.) weapon can be affected by the spell. The spell functions on existing magical weapons as long as it doesn't already have magically enhanced range.
Missiles enchanted in this way lose their enchantment when they successfully hit a target, but otherwise the spell lasts its full duration. The material component is a miniature bull's-eye.
== Mica’s Enhanced Wizard Lock ==
* Level: 3
* Range: Touch
* Components: V,S
* Duration: Permanent
* Casting Time: 3
* Area of Effect: 30 square feet / level
* Saving Throw: None
Same as Wizard Lock, but the wizard can also designate another person(s) to be able to open the wizard locked item. The caster can either specifically designate up to 1 person for each level of experience, who must be present at the time of casting, or he can specify a command word or phrase that must be spoken by anyone who wishes to open it (e.g. "open sesame," etc.).
This phrase can be no longer than two words for each level the wizard possesses (and must be grammatically correct). Any creature who speaks this command phrase can open the object, and it must be spoken each time (save for the caster, and any wizard four levels higher than the caster).
== Mica’s Firebrand II ==
* Level: 3
* Range: 0
* Components: V,S
* Duration: Instantaneous
* Casting Time: 3
* Area of Effect: Cone 10' long / level
* Saving Throw: 1/2
As Mica’s Firebrand I, except as noted above and the fact that it does 1d4+1 per level of the wizard, maximum 10d4+10.
== Mica’s Invisibility Negation ==
* Level: 4
* Range: 0
* Components: V,S,M
* Duration: 1 turn / level
* Casting Time: 4
* Area of Effect: 10' +1' / level radius sphere
* Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast, all invisibility magic in the area of effect is negated. Spells and potions are totally negated, while magic items and dust of disappearance are suspended temporarily. (Note that the spell has no effect on a potion until after it is drunk.) NB: Suspension of powers affects invisibility magic only, not any other powers a device might have.
The only saving throw allowed is for those creatures who have an innate
ability to become invisible. Each round such a creature is invisible, he must attempt a saving throw until he fails. He must then remain visible for as long as he is in the area of effect. The material component is a pinch of talc and a sprinkling of powdered silver.
== Mica's Mindspeak ==
* Level: 4
* Range: Touch
* Components: V, S
* Casting Time: 4
* Duration: 1 hour/level
* Area of Effect: 1 creature
* Saving Throw: None
After this spell is cast on the caster or a creature (it must be a living creature and not undead), the character gains the telepathic ability to send a vocal message into other creature's minds. The receiving creature must know the language that the character is "speaking" in order to comprehend
the message. The character can only send messages to a receiving creature that is within the sight of the character.
== Mica's Mirror Communication ==
(Alteration, Enchantment)
* Level: 4
* Range: Touch
* Components: V,S,M
* Duration: 1 day / level
* Casting Time: 1 hour
* Area of Effect: One mirror
* Saving Throw: None
This spell changes a normal mirror into a communications device of both
sight and sound, though only between enspelled mirrors. Chance for
establishing contact is as per crystal balls, with a +20% modifier.
The mirror of the person called will glow and beep until acknowledged by
someone. A specific (enspelled) mirror may be called if the person knows where it is (as opposed to calling a specific person, and reaching his mirror, wherever it might be).
The material component is a highly polished and finely wrought silver mirror of at least 1000gp value, which is not consumed, and nitric acid, copper, and zinc, which are.
The mirror must be securely mounted. Each turn it is moved, there is only a 5% / level chance the spell will still function.
Either party can terminate contact at any time. Only one contact
attempt per turn, otherwise not limited. Cannot get through to a mirror communicating to a third party, unless it was enspelled with Advanced Mirror Communication.
== Mica’s Tar Spell ==
* Level: 4
* Range: 10 yds + 10 yds/level
* Components: V, S, M
* Duration: Special
* Casting Time: 3
* Area of Effect: 20 ft radius
* Saving Throw: ½
This spell completely covers the target with a hot sticky tar causing 1d4 points of damage for each level of experience of the spell caster (max 10d4).
Movement rate is halved for those effected and suffer a –2 to attack and damage rolls. Those who save have no restriction to movement, but take half damage from the hot tar.
Furthermore, the tar is flammable. Any fire will set it aflame, burning the tar away completely in 2 rounds. Creatures within the area of effect or have missed their saving throw will suffer 2d4 points of damage in the first round and 1d4 point of damage in the second round. Those who have saved suffer 1d4 point of damage in the first round only.
The material component is a small amount of pitch or tar.
== Mica’s Advanced Mirror Communication ==
(Alteration, Enchantment)
* Level: 5
* Range: Touch
* Components: V,S,M
* Duration: 4 hours / level
* Casting Time: 1 hour
* Area of Effect: One mirror
* Saving Throw: None
As Mirror Communication, except as above, and as follows. Can make contact with a regular mirror (not enspelled). Contact attempts to normal mirrors are limited by the frequency notes for crystal balls. Can contact two people at the same time (they will hear each other, but will not see each other unless their mirrors are enchanted by this spell. The mirror need not be secured in place. An additional material component is diamond dust, which is consumed.
== Mica’s Elysium Mindblaster Psionic Mind Shield ==
* Level: 5
* Range: Touch
* Components: V,S
* Duration: 1 turn / level
* Casting Time: 1
* Area of Effect: One creature
* Saving Throw: None
Mica’s sword, Elysium Mindblaster, has been such a trusted friend over the years that this spell was created in honor of it. This spell totally surrounds a creature with a shield that is impervious to all psionic disciplines and attacks, from either direction. It also prevents ESP, Know Alignment, Detect Evil/Good, Detect Lie, and similar spells which require direct mental contact. It further gives a bonus of +2 to saving throws vs Confusion, Feeblemind, charm spells, Phantasmal Killer, Chaos (or a save of 19), Suggestion, and similar spells which attack the mind. If a creature is avoiding the touch of the wizard casting the spell, he must roll a to hit die. Note also that this would not keep a psionic under this spell from using disciplines which affect himself.
== Mica’s Spell Power I ==
* Level: 5
* Range: Touch
* Components: V
* Duration: Special
* Casting Time: 3
* Area of Effect: Special
* Saving Throw: None
This spell may be cast by the wizard either upon himself or upon another
wizard. The recipient may then cast a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level spell as if he were 1/3 again as high a level as he is, i.e. a 13th level wizard would cast a 1st-3rd level spell at 17th level. The spell to be cast must be memorized, and the recipient must begin casting the spell by the next round, or the spell power is wasted. This will affect one spell only. Fractions are to be rounded down when calculating the effective level.
== Mica’s Spell Power II ==
* Level: 6
* Range: Touch
* Components: V
* Duration: Special
* Casting Time: 5
* Area of Effect: Special
* Saving Throw: None
This spell is the same as Spell Power I except as noted above and that itbenables the recipient to cast a 1st through 4th level spell as if he were of a level 1/3 again as high as his own, fractions rounded down.
== Mica’s Spell Power III ==
* Level: 7
* Range: Touch
* Components: V
* Duration: Special
* Casting Time: 6
* Area of Effect: Special
* Saving Throw: None
This spell is the same as Spell Power I except that it adds 2/3 of the wizard's level to 1st through 3rd level spells, and 1/3 to 4th or 5th level spells.
== Mica's Teleport Tracer ==
* Level: 7
* Range: 50 yards/level
* Components: V,S,M
* Duration: Instantaneous
* Casting Time: 1 round
* Area of Effect: 1 spellcaster
* Saving Throw: None
Mica of the Nine was intrigued when Aragorn was aggravated when an enemy of his repeatedly teleported away from their duels. Mica decided that he would make a spell that would allow him to follow his enemy.
To cast this spell the caster must be within 50 yards/level of the area where the teleport spell was cast and must cast the spell within 1 hour/ level of when the teleport was cast. Trace teleport follows the residual spacial distortion left by a teleport to its destination. Once at the destination the spellcaster receives a visual of the area clearly enough for the wizard to be very familiar with the area for purposes of his own teleport.
Material Components: An item recently touched by the caster, 100gp pearl, and a small brass rod.
== Mica’s Magic Resistance ==
* Level: 8
* Range: Touch
* Components: V,S,M
* Duration: 1 round / level
* Casting Time: 3
* Area of Effect: One creature
* Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast upon a person a magic resistance of 20% + 2% per level of the caster above 16th level is bestowed upon the recipient. This bonus does not add to nor replace existing magic resistance; the higher
value applies. The resistance endowed by this spell cannot be greater than
The material component is a bit of powdered heart of an outer-planer
creature with magic resistance.
== Mica’s Magical Castle ==
* Level: 8
* Range: 0
* Components: V,S,M
* Duration: 1 month / level
* Casting Time: Special
* Area of Effect: Special
* Saving Throw: None
This spell, when cast upon a structure such as a building or tower, gives the following effects:
The building has a 50% magic resistance versus any spell that would damage the building (Disintegrate, Fireball, Transmute Rock to Mud, etc.) but not spells that would not adversely affect it (Knock, Passwall, Dispel Magic, etc.).
Saving throws versus siege equipment are increased by +4 (or damage is
halved), and wood is immune to normal fire.
Damage to the structure is regenerated at one cubic foot per week.
Magical light springs forth in any room upon command, equal to the light spell. Corridors are uniformly illuminated.
Air is magically refreshed.
The entire building radiates magic
The walls of the building must not be thicker than 1' / level. Casting time is 1 turn / level X 100 square feet, maximum casting time of 8 hours. Each floor must be completely within the area of effect, or cannot be included.
Additional castings can be used to include additional floors, but must be done from the ground up, with no skipped floors. A structure not affixed to the ground (such as a ship) must be done in one casting or not at all. The material component is blood from a creature with magic resistance, and at least 5000gp worth of powdered diamond. A successful Dispel Magic will
remove one effect.
With an additional material component--a gem of at least 5000gp value, prepared first with Enchant an Item and Reincarnation--two additional effects are gained:
Doors will open, close, and lock on command of the caster, as well as any others specified by the caster.
Doors and traps integral with the building can manipulate themselves to deter intruders / invaders (as perceived by the caster; also, no
extraordinary senses are granted).
The stone is not consumed in the casting, but must remain in the structure (not an extra dimensional space like a bag of holding) for functions 3, 7, and 8 to function. If the stone is destroyed, the spell ceases. A Permanency
may be cast upon the stone.