====== Micadonia ====== {{:resized_20211012_142712.jpeg?direct&400|}} //Districts of Nexus Prime and Micadonia// Sister City to [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]], divided along the Great Gate Road, together they are the Capital of [[start|The Free Imperia]]. ==== Micadonia ==== [[micadonia|Micadonia]], sister city to [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]] * Colossal statue of [[mica|Mica "Wiley" of the Nine]] * On the West Bank by the Great Gate Road * An advanced sewer system and water supply made of [[mica|Mica "Wiley" of the Nine]]'s new plastic was installed underground before all construction in the valley of [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]] and [[micadonia|Micadonia]]. Simple versions of in-residence plumbing are gradually coming into use as well. As a result, the filth of the big city is much less appalling than might be expected. * Great [[order_magika_mage_college|Order Magika]] Complex * Castle * Towers * Attached Library * Attached College * Portal room for Masters only * Secure storage for Alchemical Reagents * Laboratories * Workshops * College Town * [[motubo|Motubo]]'s Ninji Budokan * [[druid_circle|Druidic]] Enclave * Great Circle * Park * Gardens * Bards School * Amphitheater [[lord_iemochi_tokugawa|Tokugawa]] Dominion * Oriental Forge * Asian Armory * Chef [[hattori_hanzo|Hattori Hanzo]]'s Sushi Shop * Distillery * Shōchū Tokugawa * Tokugawa Sumo Monastery * Bushi Dojo * Samurai practice field * South Town * Tunnel * Old City - the ruins of an ancient city were already here when the founders of the [[start|The Free Imperia]] landed. * The Nithians are particularly comfortable in the Old City and have settled here in numbers. They built or restored several temples here * Temple of [[church_of_isis|Isis]] * Temple of [[church_of_bast|Bast]] * Temple of [[church_of_horus|Horus]] * Temple of [[church_of_ptah|Ptah]] * Temple of [[church_of_thoth|Church of Thoth]] * Spelljammer Temples - small shrines to non-evil far off Deities for weary spacefarers * [[shipyard|The Great Shipyard]] stretches along the waterfront of the Old City from the [[rendezvous_bazaar|Rendezvous Bazaar]] to the Great Southlake Park. Mostly at present it is building Hammerships, but with the WATC funding generated by the Hammerships it is tooling up for more hull styles. [[captain_tatharandar_windsong|Captain Tatharandar Windsong]] is teaching the shipwrights how to grow custom Elven hulls. * Shipwright Academy * Spelljammer Academy * Marine Academy * [[naval_armory|Free Imperia Naval Armory]] * Imperial Warehouses * [[watc|WATC]] Warehouses * [[rendezvous_bazaar|Rendezvous Bazaar]] * Just North of the [[shipyard|Shipyard]], straddling the Great Gate Road that divides [[micadonia|Micadonia]] from [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]], on the East Bank at the end of the Great Bridge, is the [[start|Free Imperia]]'s largest marketplace. * Nominally under [[eltan|Eltán's]] control * [[watc|West Arda Trading Company]]'s Capitol Offices and Factotums. * [[signal_company|Signal Company]] HQ * Patrolling the [[rendezvous_bazaar|Bazaar]] is a responsibility of the [[peacekeepers|Paurgiliath Peacekeepers]], who aren't as hung up on the letter of the law as they are on Ethical Behavior. As a result, while it has a predictable waterfront Grey Market happening, it is a remarkably well mannered marketplace with very little petty or violent crime. * [[dwarvia|Dwarvia]] * [[three_kings_of_the_dwarves|Three Kings of the Dwarves]] * Sizable surface settlement * Quarry * Scattered up-mountain villages * Large underground kingdom * Temple District * Temple of [[church_of_eru|Eru Ilùvatar]] with Shrine of Aule. * [[church_of_moradin|Church of Moradin]] * [[church_of_dumathoin|Church of Dumathoin]] * [[church_of_gorm|Church of Gorm]] * [[church_of_reorx|Church of Reorx]] * Two Imperial gold mines * Imperial silver Mine [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]