====== Nazgûl ====== {{:nazgul.jpeg?direct&200 |}} [[sauron|Sauron]] created 9 undead of great power from mortal men, the Nazgûl. While it is believed that the Witch King of Angmar met his fate in the Third Age of [[arda:start|Arda]], and was destroyed for all time, the other eight have a habit of retreating to the Plane of Shadow when destroyed, then gathering their power and returning to [[arda:start|Arda]]. Comparatively little is known about the Nazgûl, however one of them, Rên the Unclean, traditionally made his fortress in Khey-Sârt, a volcano not too far to the North of [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]]. It is believed that all eight have returned to [[arda:start|Arda]] and are active again. Outside sources: [[https://rossonl.wordpress.com/2018/06/13/the-nazgul-part-1-bios-of-the-nine/|Biographies and maps of the Nine]] [[http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Nazgul|Tolkien Gateway on the Nazgûl]]