====== Odin's Folk ====== Since [[kane|Doq'tor S. Kane]] invited [[church_of_odin|Odin]] to Arda in [[church_of_aslan|Aslan]]'s name, his folk have taken their commitment to defend the Free Imperia seriously. Their main cities are [[black_rock|Black Rock]], on the Northern shore of Westlake in the [[westmark|Westmark]], under [[prince_brendian_erendyl|Prince Brendian Erendyl]], and [[vestrhelm|Vestrhelm]] on the Sea of Rhûn near Rohan, under [[bif|Crom Thorson, Count Volsung]], mostly governed by the Jarl of Vestrhelm in his absence. They also maintain a chain of outposts protecting an overland migration route between the two cities. ===== Outposts ===== * [[of1|OF#1]] __Map:N20__ * Northern screening fort for [[sister_cities|Sister Cities]] * Built on [[east_river|East River]] 100 miles from [[black_rock|Black Rock]] * [[of2|OF#2]] __Map: N23__ * Fortified saltwater port on [[dargonesti_sound|Dargonesti Sound]] * Ship building * [[of3|OF#3]] - __Map: K23__ * Southernmost outpost across [[palisor|Palisor]] at Bûrskadekdar * [[of4|OF#4]] - __Map: I23__ * Second outpost across [[palisor|Palisor]] at Lygar Krâw * [[of5|OF#5]] - __Map: H22__ * Third outpost across [[palisor|Palisor]] at Daldúnair. * [[of6|OF#6]] __Map: G20__ * Outpost on the [[talathrant_river|Talathrant River]] in [[palisor|Palisor]]