====== Olyas Kriis ====== {{:screenshot_20221129-102524_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} Separated from [[imperial_point|Imperial Point]] and the [[jojojopo_peninsula|Jojojopo Peninsula]] by the [[great_southern_river|Great Southern River]] and the [[firth_of_olyas|Firth of Olyas]], the Olyas Kriis is a hilly arid Peninsula just West of the Sister Cities, forming the Eastern shore of the [[bight_of_exile|Bight of Exile]]. The Western edge of the peninsula is flatter and extremely arid, trending towards ills in the middle, green enough for grazing to the South, before reaching the forests along the [[great_southern_river|Great Southern River]] which are intermittently settled by the Harnic Elves of [[duchy_eltan|Duchy Eltán]] on the Western bank, and the Krynnic Elves of [[gilthanas|King Gilthanas]]' [[elflands|Kingdom of the Elflands]] on the Eastern bank. Olyas Point, the southermost extent of the Olyas Kriis, is lightly settled by sheep and goat herders and small diggings by hill dwarves under the [[three_kings_of_the_dwarves|Three Kings of the Dwarves]]. The [[free_imperia_navy|Free Imperia Navy]] has a fortified lighthouse, [[in24|Imperial Navy Fort #24]], at the very tip, and another a hundred miles to the East, [[in5|Imperial Navy Fort IN#5]] at the mouth of the [[firth_of_olyas|Firth of Olyas]]. [[im5|Imperial Military Watchtower IM#5]], just Southwest of the Sister Cities, looks over the Olyas Kriis, and [[pk3|Paurgiliath Peacekeepers Outpost PK#3]] is tucked into [[exiles_craw|Exiles' Craw]] where a large naturally sheltered harbor separates the neck of the Olyas Kriis from [[bulchyades|Bulchyades]].