====== Palisor ====== {{:screenshot_20230330_123917_gallery.jpg?direct&400|}} Palisor is the great Eastern steppe land of Endórë. In the North, the grasslands stretch from [[rhun|Rhûn]] in the West clear to the [[red_mountains|Red Mountains]] on the Eastern seaboard. In the south, the [[chey_plateau|Chey Plateau]] which is the Southwestern edge of the great Steppe of Palisor is separated from the [[harad|Harad desert]] by the [[ered_ormal_mountains|Ered Ormal]] range. The great prairie's Southern and Southeastern edge reaches to [[quilinestia|Quilinestia]] and the Elven forests surrounding the [[dargonesti_sound|Dargonesti Sound]], and to the [[mist-rib_lakes|Mist-Rib Lakes]]. [[odins_folk|Odin's Folk]] maintain a migration route across Palisor, detouring far around the volcano of Chey Sart and the ruins of Mordor. From [[black_rock|Black Rock]], suburb Capital of [[prince_brendian_erendyl|Prince Brendian Erendyl]], in the South it leads past widely spread strong points at [[of1|OF#1]], [[of2|OF#2]], [[of3|OF#3]], [[of4|OF#4]], [[of5|OF#5]], and [[of6|OF#6]] all the way to [[vestrhelm|Vestrhelm]] on the [[sea_of_rhun|Sea of Rhûn]] in the West. [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]