====== The Party ====== ===== Party Status: ===== [[Campaign|Campaign History]] - the record of the Campaign to date ==== Active Party ==== * The primary active party, of [[aragorn|Aragorn]], [[smash|Smash]], [[kane|Kane]], [[Eltan|Eltán]], and [[mica|Mica]]1 is at the Haunted Caravanserai in deep Harad desert, seeking the next part of the Rod of Seven Parts ==== Elsewhere ==== * [[mica|Mica]]2 is [[Tesla|looking for Tesla]] with a select group of companions. * [[rothis|Rothis]] is Druiding. * [[admiral_blade|Admiral Blade]] is Mentating Naval strategy * [[wings|Arch Duke Wings]] is doing Wings' things. * [[seth|Seth]] is spreading chaos. * [[mog|Mog]] is running the [[postmen|Imperial Dispatch]] * [[lady_snodgrass|Lady Snodgrass]] and [[laeriosnniolalas|Laerios'nniolalas]] are doing the work of the [[church_of_aslan|Church of Aslan]] * [[rod_halfking|Rod Halfking]] is governing [[commonwealth_of_triagral|Triagral]] * [[madoc_takeda|Madoc]] may be near Miskatonic University in Arkham, MA, in modern Earth. * [[ogre_ben_ogre|Ogre Ben Ogre]] is doing Ogre things. * [[caramon_majere|Caramon Majere]] and [[carolynn_majere|Carolynn Majere]] * [[baron_von_who|Baron Von Who]] governing Whoville * [[bif|Crom Thorson, Count Volsung]] is hunting evil ===== Full Party with Titles ===== * [[Mica|Mica “Wiley” of the nine fingers (PhD.)]] * Imperial Regent, Free Emporium Court Magus, Alchemist/Philosopher, Miskatonic Fellow and Arch-Mage of the Order Magika * [[Aragorn|Aragorn - Aragithalas Sercenornorow Kanan]] * Emperor, Great Chieftain, Barbarian High Lord, King of the Arda Star * [[Bif|Bif Riprock - The Volsung]] * Imperial Count, Imperial Marshal, Nithian Sheik, Ranger Lord & Demon Slayer * [[kane|Doq'tor S. Kane]] * High Prelate of [[church_of_aslan|Church of Aslan]] on [[arda:start|Arda]], Miskatonic Fellow * [[Eltan|Eltán - Thalion Paurgiliath]] * Arch Duke of Eltán, Grand Master of the Imperial Knights, Protector of the Harnic Elves, Lord of the Imperial Host * [[Smash|Thane Smash]] * Freeholding Dwarf Thane * Battlerager * Honorary Gunnery Sergeant of Giff Empire * [[Rothis|Rothis]] * Arch Druid of Arda and Ambassador of the Druid Circle to the Court of the Free Imperia * [[admiral_blade|Admiral Blade]] * Admiral of the Imperial Navy * [[wings|Xavier Falcon III]] * Arch Duke Wings * [[seth|Seth]] * Chaos mage, Avatar of the God of Everything and Nothing * [[lady_snodgrass|Lady Snodgrass]] * Paladin of Aslan * [[rod_halfking|Rod Halfking]] * Ruler of [[commonwealth_of_triagral|Commonwealth of Triagral]] * [[madoc_takeda|Madoc Takeda]] * Archer General * [[laeriosnniolalas|Laerios'nniolalas]] * Priestess of Aslan * [[ogre_ben_ogre|Ogre Ben Ogre]] * Ogre * [[pixie|Pixie Demigod]] * Cleric of [[church_of_aslan|Aslan]]