====== Rendezvous Bazaar ====== * Just North of the [[shipyard|Great Shipyard]], straddling the Great Gate Road that divides [[micadonia|Micadonia]] from [[nexus_prime:start|Nexus Prime]], on the East Bank at the end of the Great Bridge, is the [[start|Free Imperia]]'s largest marketplace. * Nominally under [[eltan|Eltán]]'s control * [[watc|West Arda Trading Company]]'s Capitol Offices and Factotums. * [[signal_company|Signal Company]] HQ * Patrolling the Bazaar is a responsibility of the [[peacekeepers|Paurgiliath Peacekeepers]], who aren't as hung up on the letter of the law as they are on Ethical Behavior. As a result, while it has a predictable waterfront Grey Market element, it is a remarkably well mannered marketplace with very little petty or violent crime. Because the Grey Marketeers aren't driven into hiding, they are remarkably easy to keep track of, and between [[bif|The Volsung]]'s contacts, and those known to the [[watc|West Arda Trading Company]], their activities are closely monitored.