====== Rochia ====== Rochia is the [[south_valley|South Valley]] Capital of [[duchy_stronghold|Duchy Stronghold]], under the leadership of [[duke_rocha|Duke Rocha]]. Built in the valley to the South of Cormachia, and bordered on the West by [[gilthanas|King Gilthanas]]' Elflands, it is part of the [[free_kingdom_of_harnia|Free Kingdom of Harnia]]. * Strong Castle Town at the triple fork of the East Branch of the [[great_southern_river|Great Southern River]](Q. Harduinë). * Rich farming hamlets with tree forts spread to the East and South * Temple of [[church_of_eru|Eru Ilùvatar]] - While [[bishop_datlat|Bishop Datlat]] attends to his studies or his duties as the High Prelate of the [[church_of_eru|Church of Eru Ilùvatar]], [[reverend_harold|Reverend Harold]] runs their beautiful chapel. * Armory * Smithy * Stables [[places_on_arda|Places on Arda Main Page]]