====== Sally Peppersniffer ====== Sally Peppersniffer is a follower of [[rod_halfking|Rod Halfking]]. Paladin(Amazon Priestess) L10 LG Rock Gnome [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gMXxpY8E8Uo_DdniOg5pYcyBn0YiwdZQ/view?usp=drivesdk|Sally Peppersniffer's character sheet]] **Character History** Sally is a overzealous temple priestess who joined the [[commonwealth_of_triagral|Triagral]] court under [[rod_halfking|King Rod]] when Urza and the Weatherlite moved Triagral from Butell to Mystara.  She had been on the Weatherlite for three years.  She joined [[rod_halfking|King Rod]] when he saved her and a number of innocents from death while fleeing the Invasion by Uber Elves.   (Think Miko Miazaki from order of the Stick)  She is a Sheild Maiden and Templar.  She holds the Title of Protector of the Temple and near worships [[rod_halfking|King Rod]].